CTCDD Meeting 1-10-17

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CT Council on Developmental Disabilities


January 10, 2017, 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Temple Beth El, 2626 Albany Avenue, West Hartford, CT



The 205th meeting of the CT Council on Developmental Disabilities was held on Tuesday, January 10, 2017 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM at Temple Beth El in West Hartford, CT.

Presiding:  Shelagh McClure, Chair

Recorder of Minutes:  Donna Devin

Members Present:  Chris Blake, Vice Chair; April Burke, James Hexter, Jackie Jamison, Alicia Kucharczyk, Joyce Lewis, Ellyn Little, Shelagh McClure, Chair; Margaret McDermott, Megan O’Neill, Patricia Richardson, James Rosen, Michael Scanlon, Brenda Stenglein, Ada Suarez, Danielle Webber, Kathy Wolkner, Robin Wood

Members Absent:   Michelle Chase, Ann Gionet, Gary Gross, Sergio Rodriguez,

Staff:  Cathy Adamczyk, Donna Devin, Melissa Marshall

Meeting Assistants:  Tiffanie Allain, Ellen Mathis, Rosa Serrano


1. Call to Order:  Shelagh McClure, Chair, called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM. 


2. Approval of Agenda:  ------motioned to approve the agenda. ------seconded the motion.


3. Approval of Minutes from 11/15/16: ------ motioned to approve the minutes.  -----seconded the motion. The minutes were approved.


4. Report from Council Chair:  Shelagh McClure, Chair, mentioned Molly Cole, the recently retired former Executive Director of the Council, and Shannon Jacovino, the Director of Advocacy and Public Policy at The Arc CT, had met with Jordan Scheff, the Deputy Commissioner of the Department of Developmental Disabilities to talk about the relocation of the Abuse Investigation Division, currently managed by the Office of Protection and Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities, and slated to fall under the jurisdiction of the Department of Rehabilitation Services. The Council will continue to monitor the situation.


A letter written by Shelagh McClure, Chair, and sent to U.S. Senators Christopher Murphy and Richard Blumenthal, was reviewed. It expressed concern over the possible nomination of Senator Jeff Sessions to the position of Attorney General. The letter urged that his views on the topics of special education, the rights of individuals under IDEA, and the rights guaranteed to people with disabilities in our school systems be thoroughly scrutinized; to the extent if he could not satisfy them he fully grasps these issues, they would consider that as a reason to not approve his nomination.

The National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities, the National Association for University Centers for Developmental Disabilities, the National Disability Rights Network, the National Down Syndrome Congress, and the Autistic Self Advocate Network are some of the numerous groups joining in an amicus brief in the CCJEF v. Rell case. They argued two things; the 1st being the ruling, which would exclude some students with disabilities from schools on the basis they could not benefit from education, violates IDEA, because IDEA guarantees a free and appropriate education to all students with disabilities. The 2nd argument was ordering states to adopt standards, with the goal of eliminating unneeded special education services, violates the individualized mandate of IDEA. Every student has a right to a program specific to their needs.


The Council was informed about a project undertaken by the Governor's Council on Developmental Services, a State Council, created by State law, and comprised of members from various backgrounds, whose role is to advise the Governor and consult on issues affecting DDS programs and services. Their Chair, Adrienne Benjamin, organized a diversified group to hammer out a set of 7 guiding principles for the purpose of uniting people and advocacy groups in the disability community that have fundamental disagreements and differing perspectives. The impetus for this effort was to convey a sense of cohesiveness that would be visible to the General Assembly developing policies affecting people within the disability arena. Presenting a unified front will be highly beneficial to disability advocacy groups and people who may have mutual goals, but disagree on their order of priority.


5. Executive Director's Report:  Melissa Marshall gave the Executive Director's Report. During the Cross Disability Alliance's November meeting, three self-advocates with I/DD presented. Kate Robinson from Gallo and Robinson also presented an overview of the impending budget crisis and discussed strategies for communicating with the legislature.


The 2017 Partners in Policymaking class has been selected. The first training session will be held February 3-4, in Rocky Hill.


The Council submitted an RFP and held a bidder’s conference in December for customized employment. The Request for Proposals responses deadline is Tuesday, January 10, 2017 at 4:00 PM.


Allan Bergman and Council staff will meet with board leadership on January 21st. A project overview by Allan Bergman will be held on January 23rd, and the first training with Marc Gold Associates is set for February 1-3, in Hartford.


A proposal was submitted by CPTV to launch a campaign that would include a one-hour documentary to educate the community about issues facing people who live in state run institutions and the alternative of living in the community.


6. Review of Five Year Plan and Work Plan:  Melissa Marshall, Executive Director, reviewed the Five Year Plan and Work Plan with the Council. Progress is being made on the Council’s goals for Self-Determined Lives, Self-Advocacy, and Community Inclusion and Participation.

7. Council Vote to Move Line Item Funds:  Shelagh looked for a motion to move $3,500 from the Council budget’s $26,956 undesignated funds to the Printing and Binding budget line item, because there is an overage in that account. Alicia Kucharczyk made a motion to approve the moving of funds. Kathy Wolkner seconded it. The motion was approved by all.


8. CPTV Proposal:  CPTV reached out to Molly Cole, the recently retired Executive Director, and expressed their interest in meeting with her. She and Shelagh McClure, Chair, met with them twice. Among the topics talked about were the closing of institutions, and the ABLE Lives videos that CPTV had created for the Council and its impact on people. The focus was on that people with disabilities are better in communities and communities are enriched by people with disabilities.


CPTV put together a proposal for the Council to review. The proposal includes a one hour documentary and significant promotional television and radio spots, in addition to the project being assigned an Emmy Award winning producer.


Shelagh asked for a motion to reallocate funds for the CPTV proposal. Kathy Wolkner made a motion to move $50K out of the Transportation budget line item to the 2020 Campaign budget line, with the understanding should those funds not be needed, they will be moved back to Transportation. Brenda Stenglein seconded the motion. The Council voted unanimously for moving the funds.


9. Presentation on 2017 Legislative Session—Shannon Jacovino, The    Arc ConnecticutShannon Jacovino gave a presentation on the 2017 Legislative   session, strategies and opportunities for collaboration. The goal is to start to educate      legislators, families, and other people in the public about systems change and moving         away from the publicly operated, institutional style care we have here in Connecticut,             toward a more progressive, inclusive and community based model. A family hearing             day will be held on Wednesday, February 1st from 10:30 AM – 1:00 PM at the LOB.


10. 2017 Sibling Conference:  Cathy Adamczyk went over a letter and informational packet from the national nonprofit organization, The Sibling Leadership Network (SLN). They are holding a national conference from June 24-25 in Hartford. SLN provides siblings of people with disabilities with information, support and tools needed to advocate with and for their brothers and sisters and promote issues important to them and their families. They would like the Council to be involved in the conference and wanted to know if the Council could provide some support to this initiative.


After reviewing the conference’s tentative agenda and hearing about their mission, the Council discussed being a sponsor of the event. Shelagh McClure, Chair, asked the Council to vote on making a sponsorship donation of $12,500 to the Sibling Leadership Network. All Council members present voted to make the donation unanimously.


11. Adjournment of Meeting:  Shelagh McClure asked for a motion for adjournment. Joyce Lewis motioned for adjournment. Meagan O'Neill seconded the motion.  The meeting adjourned at 12:50 PM. The next Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 14, 2017 in West Hartford. It will be the Public Forum.