APIE Meeting Minutes 3-20-18

Advocacy, Public Information, and Education Committee Meeting 3/20/18
Present: Shelagh McClure, Michael Hanlon, Gary Gross, Brenda Stenglein, Joyce Lewis
Absent : Ann Gionet
Meeting was called to order at 11:46
Discussion topics:
1. Discussion of repurposing institutions and alternative residential options-
This would be in opposition to federal interpretations of community rule and may jeopardize federal funding . There was a hearing in Congress regarding DD Councils advocating the need to close institutions.  There is a groundswell of opinion that institutions should be one of a range of options.
Where should aging individuals with ID be cared for?  There are  barriers to community placements, ie inability to administer insulin. Other things to ponder include the model for seniors of independent living- assisted living- nursing home inclusives; ID expertise without segregation; or ICF homes for 10-15 people.
What is DDS doing regarding the waiting list?
Options are available but nothing is happening.  It seems the old way it would eventually be your turn but not anymore.  Seems to be cycling back to segregation.
2. Legislative matters- materials for follow up to successful legislative breakfast; got a letter and some materials.
Target these legislators for information and contact related to upcoming matters- Medicare Savings Plan, connect the legislative acts ie-  special education dollars to transition bill to graduate funding to return on investment and housing, customized employment and transportation.
3. Coordinate with Legislative Committee
Meeting adjourned by motions by Shelagh and Michael