Petition for cannabis erasure

handsome joyful man in a city during autumn wearing warm clothes

Convictions for violations of General Statutes § 21a-279(c) that were imposed between January 1, 2000, and September 30, 2015 will be automatically erased from your criminal record in 2023.

But, you can also ask the court to erase some other cannabis-related convictions by filing a petition.

Offenses eligible for cannabis erasure petitions

  • Convictions for violations of General Statutes § 21a-279 for possession of less than or equal to 4 ounces of a cannabis-type substance imposed before January 1, 2000 and between October 1, 2015 and July 1, 2021
  • Convictions for violations of General Statutes § 21a-267 (a) for possession with intent to use drug paraphernalia for cannabis imposed before July 1, 2021
  • Convictions for violations of General Statutes § 21a-277(b) imposed before July 1, 2021 for manufacturing, selling, possessing with intent to sell, or giving or administering to another person a cannabis-type substance and the amount involved was less than or equal to 4 ounces or 6 plants grown inside such person’s home for personal use

To ask the court for Cannabis erasure, you must file a petition (application) with the court under General Statutes § 54-142v or 54-142d. There is no official form for Cannabis erasure petitions. Your petition must include a copy of your arrest record showing, or an affidavit stating, that:

  • For convictions of violations of § 21a-279, you possessed 4 ounces or less of a cannabis-type substance
  • For convictions of violations of § 21a-267, you used or possessed with the intent to use drug paraphernalia only to store, contain, or inhale or ingest cannabis
  • For convictions of violations of § 21a-277(b) you manufactured, sold, possessed with intent to sell, or gave or administered to another person 4 ounces or less of a cannabis-type substance or 6 plants grown inside your home for personal use

The court will review your petition for Cannabis erasure and will either:

  • Order your conviction(s) to be erased without a hearing, or
  • Schedule a hearing on your petition to decide whether your conviction(s) should be erased

NOTE: None of the information on this website should be considered legal advice. All information and materials provided are intended for informational purposes only.