The Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities stands with the 28 protected classes under our law. Read our op-ed in the Connecticut Mirror. #CivilRightsUnites

The Office of Public Hearings 

The Office of Public Hearings (OPH or Office) is comprised of Human Rights Referees who are gubernatorial appointees, subject to legislative approval. The OPH functions independently from the rest of the Commission.  

The OPH is responsible for scheduling and conducting all phases of the public hearing process in contested discrimination cases under the Commission's jurisdiction. The Office is also responsible for hearing whistleblower retaliation cases filed with the Chief Human Rights Referee pursuant to Section 4-61dd of the Connecticut General Statutes. Within the OPH, the Chief Human Rights Referee administers the operations of the unit and assigns cases to the other Human Rights Referees.

The Office can be contacted by telephone at: 860-418-8770; by email at:; or by mail at: Office of Public Hearings, 450 Columbus Boulevard – Suite 2, Hartford, CT, 06103. 

Helpful Resources
Whistleblower Retaliation