Cooper v. CHRO, Ruling on Petition for Reconsideration

Cooper v. CHRO, Ruling on Petition for Reconsideration

Remand Case: : No. CV990496223;

Ricky and Regina Cooper, et al. v. CHRO

Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities ex rel.

Ricky and Regina Cooper, Complainants : CHRO #9710196 and  #9710197


Andrew and Hanna Gorski, Respondents : January 31, 2001


The Petition for Reconsideration dated January 18, 2001, is GRANTED.

The decision of January 5, 2001 is modified insofar as the Complainants and the Commission are hereby allowed thirty days from today’s date to file Motions seeking an award of reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs along with supporting documentation.

Respondents, pursuant to the Motion practice of the Office of Public Hearings, will have ten days thereafter to file any objections thereto.

It is so ORDERED by the undersigned on this 31st day of January 2001 at the Office of Public Hearings, 21 Grand Street, Hartford, Connecticut.

Hon. Gordon T. Allen

Presiding Human Rights Referee

C: Regina & Ricky Cooper

Jon Bauer, Esq. & Paul Chill, Esq.

Andrew & Hanna Gorski

Daniel A. Silver, Esq.

Philip A. Murphy, Commission Counsel

David Teed, Assistant Attorney General & Emily Melendez, Assistant Attorney General

Ann Galer-Pasternak, Public Hearing Administrator