Greetings from the State of Connecticut Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Commission!
The State of Connecticut Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Commission (MLKJHC) was established in 1987 by an Executive Order from former Governor William A. O’Neill. The mission of the Commission is to ensure that the commemoration of the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in the state is meaningful and reflective of the spirit with which he lived and the struggles for which he died. The MLKJHC continues to strengthen our communities by promoting Dr. King’s legacy of service, equity, justice, peace, respect, and inclusion for all. For more than three decades, the MLKJHC has joined with community partners across the State of Connecticut to plan and promote a variety of programs that celebrate his life and legacy.
The Commission meets between eight and ten times a year to ensure that our goals are met. Only one meeting was held in person this past year; the rest were via Zoom due to Covid-19. In spite of the challenges we have faced due to the ever changing impact of Covid-19, the MLKJHC had a most successful year in reaching out to and educating diverse populations across the state. We are grateful for the opportunity to continue to provide quality programs and events that are in accordance with our mission statement.
Donna E Campbell, Chair
State of Connecticut Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Commission
Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission Chairperson | Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission Secretariat |
Donna Campbell |
Connecticut Commission on |
Meeting | Documents |
January 2024 | Agenda |
February 2024 | Agenda |
March 2024 | Agenda |
April 2024 | Agenda |
October 2024 | Agenda |
Sec. 10-29b. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission. (a) There is established a Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission, consisting of nineteen members. The initial appointees shall include all members of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission established by Executive Order No. Fifteen of Governor William A. O'Neill. The terms of the initial appointees shall expire on February 28, 1991. On or before March 1, 1991, the Governor shall appoint members of the commission as follows: Ten members shall serve for terms of four years from said March first and one member shall serve for a term of two years from said March first. On or before March 1, 1991, eight members shall be appointed for terms of two years from said March first, two of whom shall be appointed by the president pro tempore of the Senate, two by the minority leader of the Senate, two by the speaker of the House of Representatives and two by the minority leader of the House of Representatives. Thereafter all members shall serve for terms of four years from March first in the year of their appointment. The Governor shall designate one of the members appointed by him to be chairperson of the commission, and the commission shall elect one member to be vice-chairperson. Any person absent from (1) three consecutive meetings of the commission or (2) fifty per cent of such meetings during any calendar year shall be deemed to have resigned from the commission, effective immediately. Vacancies on the commission shall be filled by the appointing authority. Members of the commission shall serve without compensation but shall, within the limits of available funds, be reimbursed for expenses necessarily incurred in the performance of their duties. The commission shall meet as often as deemed necessary by the chairperson or a majority of the commission.
(b) The commission shall: (1) Ensure that the commemoration of the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in the state is meaningful and reflective of the spirit with which he lived and the struggles for which he died, (2) maintain a clearinghouse of programs and activities relating to the observance and promotion of such birthday in the state, (3) cooperate with the Martin Luther King, Jr. Federal Holiday Commission, community organizations and municipalities in the state, (4) develop and implement programs and activities for the state as it deems appropriate and (5) not later than September first, annually, submit to the Governor a report on its findings, conclusions, proposals and recommendations for the observance of such birthday in the following January.
(c) The commission may use such funds as may be available from federal, state or other sources and may enter into contracts to carry out the purposes of this section.
(d) The Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities shall serve as secretariat and consultant to the commission.