The Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities stands with the 28 protected classes under our law. Read our op-ed in the Connecticut Mirror. #CivilRightsUnites

Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities Education and Outreach

A key part of the CHRO's mission to eliminate discrimination is education and outreach. The CHRO holds many events throughout the year aimed at bringing attention to civil rights issues affecting our state. For a full list of the Commission's outreach events, please see our Outreach Reports page updated monthly. Below is a list of just some of the outreach events the CHRO has held recently.


 Analeh Show Interviews

Interviews on the Analeh Show about housing, how to file a complaint, and more!

 Fair Housing Conference Logo

 41st Annual Fair Housing Conference

Join housing advocates, providers, developers, policymakers, consumers, and others to learn about the latest fair housing updates and help build a more inclusive Connecticut.


Human Rights Conference

A full day event on October 28th to bring together civil rights organizations and stakeholders from around the state to support each other in furthering social justice in Connecticut.

CHRO Kids Speak Logo 

Kids Speak and Kids Court

Kids Speak is an annual event held at the end of each school year to bring together students from across the state to discuss civil rights issues affecting our state and nation. Open to both middle and high school students, the event is the kick off to the Kids Court Competition.

Kids Court is an essay and oral advocacy contest. Students in middle and high school divisions must write an essay about a current civil rights topic. Students with the top scoring essays present their papers to a panel of judges and must answer questions about what they wrote. Winners receive cash prizes.

 Inmates' Rights Symposium

Incarcerated Persons' Rights and the State of CT Correctional Reform in 2021

The pandemic and recent focus on incarceration in America has led to a number of recent reforms affecting the rights of incarcerated people. This webinar will give an overview of these rights and what efforts are being made in 2021.

 Reimagining Respect

Reimagining Respect: The Elimination of American Indian Imagery in Connecticut Athletics

The CHRO, with UCONN School of Law and UCONN's Native American Law Student Association will be presenting a webinar on use of American Indian imagery as mascots for athletic teams. The webinar will be held on April 28, 2021 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.

 Fair Housing Rights for People with Mental Health Conditions Fair Housing Rights  for People with Mental Health Conditions

The CHRO with the Connecticut Legal Rights Project, Inc. and funding from the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development presented a series of webinars in June of 2020 aimed at informing the public about the housing rights of those living with mental health conditions. Separate presentations offer information for housing providers and for consumers.

 Educational Disparity Logo

Educational Disparity Symposium

The 2020 CHRO Summer Symposium focuses on educational disparities, particularly as they relate to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. NOTE: Due to damage from Tropical Storm Isaias, the symposium is being rescheduled to September.


Covid-19 Webinars

The CHRO is hosting a series of webinars related to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and discrimination. From housing to health disparities to access to education, the pandemic has shown just how differently disease and discrimination affects communities.