- PP038 List of Common Diseases and Insect Pests of Rhododendrons
- PP046 Recognition and Management of Diseases of Woody Ornamentals in the Landscape
- PP047 Recognizing Tree Diseases and Stress Factors
- PP052 Spruce Needle Rusts in Connecticut
- PP053 Volutella Blight of Pachysandra
- PP054 Weather-Associated Problems of Ornamental Trees and Shrubs
- PP056 Winter Injury on Woody Ornamentals
- PP069 Current Diseases in the Landscape
- VL003 Topsoil for the Home Landscape
- VL005 Planting and Transplanting Trees and Shrubs in the Home Landscape
- Boxwood Blight
- Boxwood Blight-A New Disease for Connecticut and the U.S.
- First Steps to Healthy Gardening
- Five Easy Steps for Pruning a Shrub
- Jumping Worms (Megascolecidae) in Connecticut
- Landscaping for Wildlife
- Leafhopper Pests of Connecticut Nurseries and Landscapes
- Spanish Version-- Saltahojas plaga en los viveros y paisajes del estado de Connecticut (Spanish version of Leafhopper Pests of Connecticut Nurseries and Landscapes)
- Leafminer Pests of Connecticut Nurseries
- Spanish Version--Minadores plaga en los viveros del estado de Connecticut (Spanish version of Leafminer Pests of Connecticut Nurseries)
- Monitoring Arthropod Pests of Connecticut Nurseries
Spanish Version--El monitoreo de artrópodos plaga en los viveros del Noreste de los Estados Unidos (Spanish version of Monitoring Arthropod Pests of Connecticut Nurseries) - Native Alternatives for Invasive Ornamental Plant Species, edited by Timothy Abbey (online only)
- Powdery Mildew
- Pruning: An Introduction to Why, How, and When
Redheaded Flea Beetle (Systena frontalis) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) - Resistance Management: Principles of Resistance, Mode of Action and Rotation of Insecticides
Spanish Version--Manejo de Resistencia: Principios de Resistencia, Modo de Acción y Rotación de Insecticidas (Spanish version of Resistance Management: Principles of Resistance, Mode of Action and Rotation of Insecticides) - Scale Insect Pests of Connecticut Trees and Ornamentals
Spanish Version--Insectos Escama que son plagas en arbóles y ornamentales en el estado de Connecticut (Spanish version of Scale Insect Pests of Connecticut Trees and Ornamentals) - Slime Molds
- Soil Structure and Tree Health in Urban Areas
- Winter Injury on Woody Ornamentals
- Crabgrass (Digitaria spp.) Control in Home Lawns
- New!--December 2023--Dollar Spot of Turfgrass in Home Lawns
- New!--December 2023--Gray Snow Mold of Turfgrass in Home Lawns
- Insect Pests of Turf
- Managing White Grubs in Home Lawns 2018
- Pythium Blight of Turfgrasses
- PP039 Moss Control in Home Lawns
- PP059 Common Diseases and Problems of Home Lawns
- VL002 Starting a New Lawn
- VL004 Liming and Fertilizing Established Lawns