Woodridge Lake, West Hartford

2010 Aquatic Plant Survey Map of Woodridge Lake
Transect Data|Water Data
Woodridge Lake is a 60-acre lake located in West Hartford. The 2010 CAES IAPP survey found the presence of three species: charaphyte, the invasive curly leaf pondweed (Potamogeton crispus), and small pondweed (Potamogeton pusillus). Curly leaf pondweed was found along the lower half of the western shore occurring in a cluster of small patches. Small pondweed has taken over the lake, occurring throughout all depths of the entire lake. Charaphyte (filamentous algae) was found in large patches throughout the lake including a very large patch in the southern tip.
Species recorded in our 2010 survey of Woodridge Lake.
Scientific Names
*Invasive species