Reservoir 5, West Hartford

Metropolitan District Commission



2015 Aquatic Plant Survey Map of MDC Reservoir 5

(1.6 MB, .pdf format*)

Transect Data (123 KB, .pdf format*)  | Water Data

       The Metropolitan District Commission Reservoir 5 is a 22 acre water body located in West Hartford, CT.  All of the shoreline is forested with a bridge that cuts across the center and a dam at the southern end of the reservoir.

       The 2015 CAES IAPP survey found 13 aquatic plant species including the invasive species Myriophyllum heterophyllum (variable watermilfoil) and Myriophyllum spicatum (Eurasian watermilfoil).  Myriophyllum heterophyllum was found in dense patches throughout the entire littoral zone and on 75% of transect points at depths to five meters.  Myriophyllum spicatum was found in smaller patches within the M. heterophyllum on 30% of transect points along the shoreline at shallower depths.

       The northern portion of the lake contained several native species including Nuphar variegata (yellow water lily), Nymphaea odorata (white water lily), Callitriche sp. (water starwort), Ceratophyllum demersum (coontail), and Ludwigia sp (water primrose).  Species found throughout the lake included Elatine sp. (waterwort), Potamogeton epihydrus (ribbonleaf pondweed), and Sagittaria sp. (arrowhead).

       Options for controlling invasive aquatic plants in reservoirs are limited because of the need to protect water purity. Hand or mechanical harvesting, although labor intensive, is well suited to these water bodies. Both variable and  Eurasian watermilfoil can be harvested. The introduction of plant eating grass carp could be performed if CTDEEP fisheries guidelines are met and a permit is procured. Winter water level drawdown to expose the sediment and freeze the plants, if feasible,  is also an option.  Damage to non-target organisms by winter drawdown is particularly problematic. Many chemical herbicides are available to control variable and Eurasian watermilfoil including; 2,4-D, triclopyr, fluridone, diquat, and flumioxazn. Use in reservoirs or water bodies that drain into reservoirs is very restricted. 

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(65 KB, .pdf format*)

Species recorded in our 2015 survey of MDC Reservoir 5.  Click on plant name to view herbarium mount. (Invasive species in bold)
Elatine species
Nuphar variegata
Spirodela polyrhiza

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