Vernal Pond, Guilford, CT

Vernal Pond, Guilford

Aquatic plant survey map of Vernal Pond in Guilford, CT

2020 Aquatic Plant Survey Map of Vernal Pond

Water Data

Vernal Pond is a small, 0.3-acre waterbody located in Guilford, CT. It is a private pond with no boat access. The pond is very shallow and partially dries up during the summer. The only three aquatic plant species found were cattail (Typha species), common duckweed (Lemna minor), and swamp loosestrife (Decodon verticillatus). All are native. The lack of aquatic species is unsurprising considering the shallowness of the pond, and it supports a healthy ecosystem of frogs, turtles, and other wildlife.

Species recorded in our 2020 survey of Vernal Pond.
Scientific Names
Common duckweed
Swamp loosestrife