Taunton Lake, Newtown
Taunton Lake, Newtown - 2017
Taunton Lake, Newtown

Transect Data | Water Data

Taunton Lake is a private 124-acre waterbody in Newtown CT.CAES IAPP surveyed Taunton Lake in 2009 and again in 2010 to quantify the efficacy of suction harvesting on invasive Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum).Our 2014 survey was done after the introduction of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), a nonnative fish that feeds on aquatic vegetation.  The grass carp were inserted into the lake in the fall of 2013.

In 2017, CAES IAPP performed another survey to assess the changes in the lake since the addition of them grass carp and published a formal report (Taunton Lake 2017). The 2017 survey found a total of 9 plant species. Similar to previous surveys, curlyleaf pondweed (Potamogeton crispus) and Eurasian watermilfoil were the two invasive species found. Minimal curlyleaf pondweed was found in the western cove. Eurasian watermilfoil was the dominant species in the lake found along almost the entire shoreline as well as the western, northern, and southern ends. The abundance of Eurasian watermilfoil seems to have remained unchanged since the CAES IAPP 2014 survey.

Other species found throughout the lake in relatively small abundances include western waterweed (Elodea nuttallii), slender naiad (Najas flexilis), marsh primrose-willow (Ludwigia palustris), bur-reed (Sparganium species), yellow water lily (Nuphar variegata), small pondweed (Potamogeton pusillus), and great duckweed (Spirodela polyrhiza).

Species recorded in our 2017 survey of Taunton Lake.
Scientific Names
*Invasive Species
Arrowhead Curlyleaf pondweed* Slender naiad
Bur-Reed Eurasian watermilfoil* Western waterweed
Common duckweed Leafy pondweed Yellow water lily
Common reed Marsh primrose-willow
Other Taunton Lake Surveys: 2019, 2014, 2010, 2009