Connecticut State
The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station
Program History
January - May 2023
New research scientist, Jeremiah Foley, and new research technician, Riley Doherty, join the team.
July 2022
The Office of Aquatic Invasive Species is established at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, expanding the Invasive Aquatic Plant Program.
January 2021
Invading the Connecticut River: The Spread of Hydrilla
CAES IAPP is featured in a mini documentary on hydrilla in the Connecticut River.
On Friday, November 29, 2019, CAES IAPP placed three HOBO data loggers in Lake Beseck, Middlefield with the Lake Beseck Environment Committee and Aquatic Ecosystem Research. These data loggers will track air temperature, sediment temperature, and sediment moisture during the winter drawdown of the lake.
Summer 2018
CAES IAPP and other organizations conduct a preliminary survey of the invasive species Hydrilla verticillata (Hydrilla) in the Connecticut River.
August 2017
CAES IAPP team in 2017. Top (left to right) - Summer Stebbins, Amanda Massa, and Olivia O'Connor.
Bottom (left to right) - Abigail Wiegand and Greg Bugbee.
August 2015
CAES IAPP 2015 staff at the invasive aquatic plant display at CAES Plant Science Day 2015.
Left to Right- Jesse Schock, Jennifer Fanzutti, Greg Bugbee, Summer Stebbins.
September 2012
Azolla sp. (water fern) covering private ponds in Westport (left) and Suffield (right), CT.
CAES IAPP surveyors Jordan Gibbons and Jennifer Fanzutti found Azollasp. (water fern) covering ponds in Westport and Suffield, CT. We think the warm winter prevented the normal dieback of this southern plant and will monitor if it continues to spread next year. If it does, Azolla sp. could become an extremely destructive invasive aquatic plant statewide. We brought plant samples back to the laboratory and planted them in our greenhouse tanks for futher analysis.
CAES IAPP 2011 staff at the invasive aquatic plant exhibit at CAES Plant Science Day.
Top (left to right) - Cloby Smith, Brian Hart, Jordan Gibbons, Jennifer Fanzutti, Mark June-Wells.
Bottom (left to right) - Michael Cavadini, Greg Bugbee, Ali Grubman.
March 2011
The extensive aquatic plant herbarium is brought online. View the Online Herbarium.
CAES IAPP begins resurveying lakes originally surveyed 5 or more years ago to determine changes. In some cases, the increase in invasive aquatic species is dramatic. Below is a comparison of the vegetation in Cedar Lake, Chester. Note the increased acreage of Cabomba caroliniana (dark green) from 2004 to 2010.
Scientists at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station begin surveying Connecticut lakes and ponds for invasive aquatic plants and investigating novel management options.