Private Pond, Stonington
Private Pond, Stonington
Private Pond, Stonington

Water Data

This private pond is a 0.04-acre waterbody located in Stonington, CT. It is a small pond with a maximum depth of roughly 3 meters. Access to the pond is limited to the resident’s backyard for personal use. No transects were performed due to the size of the waterbody.

The CAES IAPP 2017 survey of the pond found four species, none of which were invasive. The pond was largely covered by featherfoil (Hottonia inflata). This species usually shows up in the spring following a relatively dry winter and is gone by summer. Primrose-Willow (Ludwigia species) and marsh-bedstraw (Galium palustre) were found along the shoreline. Common reed (Phragmites australis), an invasive wetland plant, was found on the northern shoreline.

Species recorded in our 2017 survey of Private Pond, Stonington.
Scientific Names
Common reed Marsh-Bedstraw
Featherfoil Primrose-Willow