North Farms Reservoir, Wallingford - 2009
North Farms Reservoir Species Map

            North Farms Reservoir is a 64.4 acre reservoir located in Wallingford, CT. It has a public boat ramp and a mostly undeveloped shoreline. Most of the reservoir is shallow with an average depth of 2.0 meters. This characteristic has allowed the abundantly growth of aquatic vegetation. The abundance of aquatic vegetation makes boating in here difficult.  

           Our September, 2009 survey was a follow-up to our survey performed in 2004 because of public concern that increased vegetation had caused the water body to deteriorate. We observed seven species of aquatic plants with only minor naiad (Najas minor) being invasive. This species occurred very sparsely in the southern end of the lake. Surprisingly, native species were causing the greatest problems. These include white water lily (Nymphaea odorata), coontail (Ceratophyllum demersum), and western waterweed (Elodea nuttallii). They showed a dramatic increase from our 2004 survey.

Species recorded in our 2009 Survey of North Farms Reservoir.
Scientific Names
*Invasive Species
Coontail Watermeal
Great duckweed Western waterweed
Minor naiad* White water lily
Small pondweed

Other North Farms Reservoir Surveys: 2020, 2004