Hart Pond, Litchfield
Hart Pond, Litchfield  

Transect Data | Water Data

Hart Pond is a 12-acre pond in Litchfield, CT. The pond is relatively shallow with a maximum depth of approximately 1.5 meters. There is a residential road along part of the pond, and it is entirely surrounded by wetland and forest. There is no boat access, as the pond is not meant for recreational use of any kind. The pond is difficult to navigate as it is mostly shallow and filled with vegetation.

The CAES IAPP survey found eleven species in the pond, none of which were invasive. The most dominant species include: yellow water lily (Nuphar variegata), white water lily (Nymphaea odorata), watershield (Brasenia schreberi), and cattail (Typha species). Yellow water lily, white water lily, and watershield were present in a large patch that covered the entire eastern half of the pond as well as several patches in the western half. Of the 20 transect points, yellow water lily was present on 75%, white water lily on 45%, and watershield on 40%. Cattail surrounded the entire pond, preventing navigation to much of the shoreline.

Other species found include spineless hornwort (Ceratophyllum echinatum), common bladderwort (Utricularia macrorhiza), purple bladderwort (Utricularia purpurea), Oakes' pondweed (Potamogeton oakesianus), and blunt-leaved pondweed (Potamogeton obtusifolius). Spineless hornwort was present in a large patch covering the western portion of the pond. Common bladderwort and purple bladderwort were found in large patches in the eastern half of the pond as well as several smaller patches throughout. Oakes' pondweed was growing primarily in the western and southern parts of the pond. A large patch of blunt-leaved pondweed was present in the western corner, along with small patches scattered across the rest of the pond.

Species recorded in our 2013 survey of Hart Pond.
Scientific Names
Blunt-Leaved pondweed Oakes' pondweed Watershield
Cattail Purple bladderwort White water lily
Common bladderwort Small pondweed Yellow water lily
Large-Leaf pondweed Spineless hornwort