Echo Lake, Watertown
2005 Aquatic Plant Survey Map of Echo Lake
Echo Lake is in a municipal park, and the town maintains a swimming beach along the southeast shore. A road runs along the eastern side of the 10.7-acre pond, but the western side is wooded.
The most abundant species during our September 2005 survey was the invasive minor naiad (Najas minor). The plant occurred in a narrow band around the lake, limited to the shallowest areas. Native snailseed pondweed (Potamogeton bicupulatus), also was abundant, occurring in slightly deeper water than the minor naiad. Western waterweed (Elodea nuttallii), ribbon-leaf pondweed (Potamogeton epihydrus), and water starwort (Callitriche species) were found along the lake’s southeast shore while scattered patches of common duckweed (Lemna minor) were recorded at the northern end of the lake.
Species recorded in our 2005 survey of Echo Lake. Scientific Names *Invasive Species |
Common duckweed | Ribbon-Leaf pondweed |
Minor naiad* | Water starwort |
Snailseed pondweed | Western waterweed |