Landscape photo of Cream Hill Lake in Cornwall, CT.

Cream Hill Lake, Cornwall

Vegetation map of Cream Hill Lake in Cornwall, CT. Different plant species are mapped using different colors.

2024 Aquatic Plant Survey of Cream Hill Lake

Cream Hill Lake is a 72-acre private waterbody located in Cornwall, CT. There is a town beach available to local residents as well as the Cream Hill Lake Association private beach and clubhouse on the western side of the lake.

CAES OAIS surveyed Cream Hill Lake for the first time in July 2024. Due to boating restrictions, we were unable to complete a full survey, so there are no transect data or water data. Sixteen species were found during our survey, with two being invasive. The two invasive species are wetland plants: phragmites (Phragmites australis) and purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria). Phragmites was found in the southern end of the lake by the beach area and in the northeastern corner. Purple loosestrife was found in one location on the southeastern shoreline of the lake.

All of the aquatic vegetation found in the lake was native. Eelgrass (Vallisernia americana) was the most dominant plant and was found throughout the entire shoreline. Large-leaf pondweed (Potamogeton amplifolius) and Robbins’ pondweed (Potamogeton robbinsii) were also common. There were previous reports of invasive watermilfoil in the lake; however, water marigold (Bidens beckii), a state-listed protected species that looks very similar to watermilfoil, was found in large populations throughout the lake. Overall, Cream Hill Lake has an abundant and diverse population of native plant species, although, large-leaf pondweed can sometimes impede recreation when it comes to the surface as was the case in the southern portion of the lake.

Species recorded during the 2024 survey of Cream Hill Lake
Scientific Names
*Invasive Species
Arrowhead Cattail Phragmites* Spikerush
Berchtold's pondweed Clasping-leaf pondweed Purple loosestrife* Water marigold
Bur-reed Eelgrass Robbins' pondweed Water plantain
Canadian waterweed Large-leaf pondweed Slender naiad White stem pondweed