Black Pond

Black Pond, Meriden - 2015

Black Pond

2015 Aquatic Plant Survey Map of Black Pond

Transect Data | Water Data

        Black Pond is a 500-acre waterbody located in Meriden, CT. It is divided into two areas that were once connected by a narrow channel that has now filled in. There is a public boat launch at the northern end and a few houses along the northwestern shoreline. A marshy area containing abundant emergent vegetation is located at the southwestern end. The eastern shoreline has a steep drop off. 

       Our 2015 CAES IAPP survey of Black Pond was a resurvey from 2004. A total of 25 aquatic plant species were recorded in 2015 including three invasive species; variable-leaf watermilfoil (Myriophyllum heterophyllum), Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum), and curlyleaf pondweed (Potamogeton crispus). Variable-Leaf watermilfoil and curlyleaf pondweed were frequently found throughout the eastern section of the lake, and Eurasian watermilfoil (found in only in 2015) was found only in the western portion of the lake. Variable-Leaf watermilfoil and curlyleaf pondweed occurred more frequently in 2015 than 2004, but were not abundant.

       Native Robbins' pondweed (Potamogeton robbinsii) was the most abundant plant in 2015 and grew consistently at depths from 0.5 to 4 meters. This is a noticeable increase compared to our 2004 survey when flat-stemmed pondweed (Potamogeton zosteriformis) was the most abundant aquatic plant. Coontail (Ceratophyllum demersum) was also a dominant species in our 2015 survey and grew along the entire shoreline. In 2004 this plant occurred far less frequently.  

       Lily pads watershield (Brasenia schreberi), yellow water lily (Nuphar variegata), and white water lily (Nymphaea odorata) were frequently found along the shoreline in the larger eastern portion of the lake and throughout the western portion. Other species that were frequently found were the pondweeds large-leaf pondweed (Potamogeton amplifolius), floating-leaf pondweed (Potamogeton natans), and small pondweed (Potamogeton pusillus) and the bladderworts humped bladderwort (Utricularia gibba), common bladderwort (Utricularia macrorhiza), and purple bladderwort (Utricularia purpurea).

Other Black Pond Surveys: 2004