Press Releases

Attorney General William Tong


Attorney General Tong Statement on the Peaceful Transition of Power

(Hartford, CT) – Attorney General William Tong issued the following statement regarding the peaceful transition of power.

“There is no democracy without the peaceful transition of power. There can be no hedging or equivocating on this point.

The President swore an oath to uphold our constitution, no matter the consequences to his own election and self-interest. But it is crystal clear that we cannot expect this President to respect our constitution or follow our laws.

Attorneys general across the country have mobilized, and we and our legal teams will be a firewall against any effort to subvert the peaceful transfer of power. I am taking any and all action necessary to defend our democracy and the legitimacy of our elections. This is not a partisan issue. This is about no less than the survival of our union.

Every vote will count, and the will of the American people will be respected. Vote with confidence this November and know that this office and attorneys general across the nation will do everything in our power to make sure your voice is heard,” said Attorney General Tong.
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