Press Releases

Attorney General William Tong



Attorney General's Office files motion for contempt alleging the company violated terms of its 2014 settlement

After the Office of the Attorney General filed a motion for contempt alleging Safe Home Security Inc. violated the terms of its 2014 settlement, Attorney General William Tong is warning consumers to remain vigilant against the company's business practices.

The Office of the Attorney General initiated a lawsuit against Safe Home Security Inc. in 2007 after the office and the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection received numerous complaints about the security company.

"Countless consumers relied on Safe Home Security Inc. to safeguard their homes by installing functioning alarm and monitoring systems. Instead, many customers were left with defective monitoring systems and were locked into contracts they could not get out of. The Office of the Attorney General is vigorously pursuing the 365 complaints we have received since the settlement to ensure consumers' investments are protected," said Attorney General Tong.

Consumers complained that the alarm and monitoring systems were often defective or negligently installed, that technicians were not regularly available and missed appointments, and long-term contracts did not comply with Connecticut law and were renewed automatically without giving consumers an opportunity to cancel the contract.

As part of the March 2014 settlement, Safe Home Security Inc. was required to pay $30,000 in restitution. Safe Home Security Inc. was also required to pay the state $70,000.

Since the settlement, the Office of the Attorney General and the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection have received 365 consumer complaints concerning Safe Home Security Inc.'s sales and business practices.

The motion alleges that Safe Home Security Inc. continues to violate its March 2014 settlement and seeks an order requiring full restitution to eligible consumers, allowing Safe Home Security Inc. consumers the opportunity to opt out of their contracts with the company without facing any penalties, and an order that the defendant must contact credit agencies if any consumers have suffered adverse credit rating as a result of their business with the company. The motion also seeks appropriate civil penalties.

Consumers with questions or concerns can contact the Attorney General's Consumer Assistance Unit at 860-808-5420 or can fill out a complaint form here.

Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Blake assisted the Attorney General with this matter.

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Facebook: CT Attorney General
Media Contact:

Elizabeth Benton
860-808-5324 (office)

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