Attorney General Press Release Header
April 17, 2014
Statement from AG Jepsen on
PURA Draft Interim Decision on Electric Suppliers
Attorney General George Jepsen today issued the following statement on the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority's (PURA) draft interim decision on new rules for third-party electric suppliers:
"I commend PURA for engaging in a deliberative process, including holding multiple public hearings throughout the state, aimed at addressing the problems in the electric supplier market in Connecticut. While my office will thoroughly review the draft in order to submit comments to PURA, we feel the draft includes several strong provisions that will increase disclosures and transparency for consumers as well as controls on variable and promotional rates and termination fees. PURA can and should immediately enforce these reforms to benefit Connecticut's electric consumers.
"While I appreciate PURA's work, I continue to believe that legislation is necessary this session to address the overwhelming consumer complaints we've received over the last few months and to empower and expand PURA's ability to enforce regulations. The legislative reforms I and others have proposed can complement and significantly enhance what PURA had presented today."
Media Contact:
Jaclyn M. Falkowski
860-808-5324 (office)
860-655-3903 (cell)
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