Health Issues
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Service Animals and the ADA – Questions and Answers
Commonly asked questions about service animals in places of business, offered by the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, Disability Rights Section.
Child Day Care Licensing Program
Provides information about child day care services in Connecticut, including state laws and regulations. The Division of Community Based Regulation is responsible for licensing child day care facilities in Connecticut. Licensing assures that those programs that are licensed have achieved at least the minimum standards required by law to meet the health, educational and social needs of children utilizing those services.
Child Day Care Services Complaints
You can contact the Office of Early Childhood complaint phone line by dialing: 1-800-282-6063. Complaints concerning child abuse or neglect should be reported immediately to the Department of Children and Families HOTLINE at 1-800-842-2288 and to Office of Early Childhood.
Appointment of Health Care Representative (PDF-12KB)
Use this form if you wish to only appoint a health care representative to make health care decisions on your behalf when you are unable to do so.
Living Will - Advance Directives Combined Form (PDF-122KB)
This document contains all of the advance directives-- appointment of health care representative, living will, appointment of conservator and organ donation in one form. You do not have to create all of these directives. The form allows you to choose to not make one of the directives by signing your initials at the top of that section.
Living Will - Your Rights to Make Health Care Decisions (PDF-127KB)
This booklet contains general information about advance directives including frequently asked questions and answers and all of the Connecticut forms for making advance directives. If you prefer to just print the individual forms from the booklet, links to each form are set out below
Use this form if you wish to only make your wishes known when you are unable to do so but not appoint anyone to act on your behalf.
Information on the No Child Left Behind Act, Technical Schools, Early Childhood, Grants, School & District data, Special Education, State Board, Student Testing, Teachers and Administrators is included.
Connecticut Association of Boards of Education
Visit the Connecticut Association of Boards of Education website for information on education, CABE-CAPSS conventions, current workshops and more.
Connecticut Association of Public School Superintendent
The mission of CAPSS is to lead the continuous improvement of public education for all students by advocating public policy for children, and by developing and supporting executive school leaders. Visit the website for information about the Board of Directors, calendar of events, vacancies, retirement and more.
Connecticut Bureau of Education and Services for the Blind
BESB's mission is to provide quality educational and rehabilitative services to all people who are legally blind or deaf-blind and children who are visually impaired at no cost to our clients or their families. You will find information about blindness, children's services, adult services, employment services and more.
Connecticut Department of Developmental Services
The Department of Developmental Services is a state agency funded by the State of Connecticut to purchase or provide a wide range of supports and services for citizens of Connecticut with developmental disabilities. Information about support and services, day programs, employment supports, family supports and more is provided.
Connecticut Parent Advocacy Center
Information and support to families of children with any disability or chronic illness, age birth through 21.
The Arc of Connecticut is an advocacy organization committed to protecting the rights of people with mental retardation and related developmental disabilities and to promoting opportunities for their full inclusion in the life of their communities. Visit their website for information on Arc, Arc/CT Chapters, and donations.
The Association for Severe Handicaps
Information and resources for community living, communication rights, chapters, committees and more.