Standards for Educational Opportunities for Students Who Have Been Expelled

Overview of Legal Requirements

Connecticut law requires LEAs to offer an “alternative educational opportunity” to students who have been expelled in certain circumstances and further provides that LEAs may offer such an opportunity to any expelled student.

A. When an Alternative Educational Opportunity Is Required

 Under Section 10-233d of the Connecticut General Statutes (C.G.S.), LEAs are required to offer an alternative educational opportunity to (1) any student under 16 years old who has been expelled (regardless of the reason); and (2) any student between 16-18 years old who has been expelled for the first time and wishes to continue his or her education if the student complies with conditions established by the LEA.

B. The Alternative Educational Opportunity Requirement

In preparing these standards, the CSDE recognized that many districts offer alternative education programs that may be appropriate for students who have been expelled. The CSDE also understands the recent legislation in this area to have confirmed the importance of making individualized assessments concerning the appropriate educational programming and setting for each student — as is expected with any placement of a student into an alternative education program. Thus, the standards require a determination concerning appropriate program- ming and the development of an individualized learning plan (ILP) for all students who have been expelled.

To ensure proper implementation of the laws concerning alternative education (C.G.S. Sections 10-74j and 10-74k) and expulsions (C.G.S. Section 10-233d, as amended by Public Act 17-220), the CSDE has concluded that an LEA has the following options when determining an appropriate alternative educational opportunity for a student who has been expelled:

1. The LEA may offer the student enrollment in an alternative education program operated by the LEA if the program is appropriate for the student under the standards set forth below.


2. The LEA may provide a different alternative educational opportunity in accordance with the standards set forth below (including through an alternative education program offered by another LEA or operator).

The CSDE expects that, in most cases, LEAs will determine that enrollment in an alternative education program (operated by the LEA or by another provider) is the appropriate alternative educational opportunity for a student who has been expelled. However, the CSDE recognizes that there may be unusual cases in which placement in such a setting would not be suitable or in which such a setting may not be available. LEAs should use the follow- ing standards in making an individualized determination of the appropriate alternative educational opportunity for each student who has been expelled and is entitled to an alternative educational opportunity under C.G.S. Section 10-233d.3

3. While LEAs must offer an alternative educational opportunity to eligible students who have been expelled, parents/guardians are not required to enroll their child in such an opportunity. Thus, if a parent or guardian of a child who has been expelled chooses not to enroll his or her child in an alternative educational opportunity, the parent/guardian is not subject to the provisions of C.G.S. Section 10-184 concerning compulsory school attendance.