Opioid Services


Luiza Barnat, MS, MBA, LMFT, Director | (860) 418-6828 | Luiza.Barnat@ct.gov

Christy Knowles, LCSW, Opioid Projects Lead | (959) 895-0460 | Christy.Knowles@ct.gov

Justin Mehl, LCSW, Opioid Services Coordinator | (860) 418-6637 | Justin Mehl@ct.gov

Karolina Wytrykowska, LPC, LADC, Naloxone Project Lead | (860) 719-3745 | Karolina.Wytrykowska@ct.gov

Sarah Messier-Smith, LCSW, LADC, Opioid Settlement Program Manager | (959) 257-6962 | Sarah.Messier-Smith@ct.gov 


Click here to learn about Naloxone (NARCAN ® Nasal Spray)

If you are an organization seeking life-saving naloxone to distribute, please contact Karolina Wytrykowska at Karolina.Wytrykowska@ct.gov



Connecticut Opioid Settlement Advisory Committee

Image of flames, text says "if drug or alcohol use is coming between you, we're here to help

What's Trending? - Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA)

Harm Reduction

Xylazine Basics: Overdose Prevention, Harm Reduction, and Wound Care

Conceptos básicos de la xilazina: Prevención de sobredosis, reducción de daños y cuidado de heridas

Stimulant Safety Toolkit

Secure Storage of Medication and Other Substances - YouTube

Fentanyl Fact Sheet (NIDA)

NARCAN ® Nasal Spray (Naloxone) and Opioid Safety

NARCAN ® Nasal Spray (Naloxone) and Opioid Safety (Spanish)

Xylazine - Information on Exposure, Wounds, and Response

How to Use NARCAN ® Nasal Spray/Naloxone

Xylazine in the Drug Supply

Harm Reduction Resources in Connecticut

Harm Reduction & Place: The Social and Physical Environment

Best Injection Practices Guidelines

Respect to Connect: Undoing Stigma

Save a Life with NARCAN ® Nasal Spray

Information on Opioid Deactivation and Disposal Systems

DMHAS/Shatterproof Stigma Reduction Webinar Series 

2022 Harm Reduction Conference

Statewide Opioid Response Webinar Series

Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Services & Information:

Recovery Support for Opioid Use Disorder (OUD):

Regulations and Guidelines:

 Related Links:

Substance Use Services
Access Line
What is the Access Line?
The 24/7 Access Line, operated by Wheeler and funded by Connecticut’s Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS), facilitates access to Substance Use services for Connecticut residents. Wheeler Staff use a recovery-oriented approach to ask screening questions, and provide callers with education, support, hope and tangible assistance to individuals having difficulty living with substance use issues. Minimally, resource education is provided to each caller on various available treatment options; medications for addiction (e.g., methadone, buprenorphine, naltrexone, naloxone); and various other community programs. The Wheeler staff use the DMHAS CT Addiction website 24/7 to assist callers. 

Services include:
Referrals to:
o Same-Day Walk-in Assessment Centers
o DMHAS Funded Substance Use and Mental Health Outpatient Treatment
o Medication for Addiction Treatment (MAT) information
o Withdrawal Management (i.e., detox) programs
o Residential Rehabilitation Facilities dedicated to Substance Use Treatment
Promotion of/access to naloxone as a life-saving measure to reverse an overdose for those struggling with an opioid addiction
Education regarding local and regional harmful illicit substances like Fentanyl
Coordination of DMHAS-funded transportation to and from inpatient/residential programs, if needed as a last resort

Access Line’s role with Withdrawal Management and Residential Rehabilitation Facilities:
 Review DMHAS CT Addiction Website, and contact programs as necessary to determine bed availability for those individuals who seek and are already pre-screened for these levels of care;
 When a Withdrawal Management Bed or Rehab bed is available, Access Line Staff will conduct a three (3) way conference call with facility to complete the admission Intake;
 Answer questions for providers and family members about available levels of care and community resources for individuals and families dealing with substance use and mental health related challenges; and
 Provide program names and phone numbers to callers who may be interested in having this information for future reference.

Access Line transportation guidelines:

Access Line provides:
*Transportation from home, hospital, treatment program or other community location to Withdrawal Management (WM) or Substance Use Residential Treatment Programs, provided other possibilities have been explored;
*Transportation from a WM or Substance Use Residential Treatment program to home or other community location, if other transportation options have been explored.
Access Line does not provide:
*Transportation from Withdrawal Management (WM) or Residential treatment to home or other location, if the program was not successfully completed or individual leaves against Medical Advice (AMA)
*Transportation to or from MAT or other Outpatient levels of care