OCC FAQ: Explaining the Impact and Drivers of S&P Downgrades of Connecticut Utilities’ Credit Ratings


The Office of State Broadband is created by statute and is housed within the Connecticut Office of Consumer Counsel.  General Statutes § 16-2a(c) provides


There shall be established an Office of State Broadband within the Office of Consumer Counsel. The Office of State Broadband shall work to facilitate the availability of broadband access to every state citizen and to increase access to and the adoption of ultra-high-speed gigabit capable broadband networks. The Office of Consumer Counsel may work in collaboration with public and nonprofit entities and state agencies, and may provide advisory assistance to municipalities, local authorities and private corporations for the purpose of maximizing opportunities for the expansion of broadband access in the state and fostering innovative approaches to broadband in the state, including the procurement of grants for such purpose. The Office of State Broadband shall include a Broadband Policy Coordinator and such other staff as the Consumer Counsel deems necessary to perform the duties of the Office of State Broadband.


The Office of Consumer Counsel believes that, in the 21st century, access to Broadband is as essential to the State of Connecticut as are electricity, heat and clean water.  Accordingly, the OCC has engaged the Office of State Broadband to take steps needed to ensure that Broadband service at appropriate speeds are available to every Connecticut resident.  Although the charges for Broadband service are not regulated under federal law, the OCC strongly encourages Broadband service providers to factor in the public interest when setting prices in exchange for the privilege of occupying public streets with their lines and facilities. OCC Staff Attorney Burt Cohen serves as the Broadband Policy Coordinator in the Office of State Broadband.


Attorney Cohen’s contact information is 860-827-2908 and burton.cohen@ct.gov



 July 25, 2022 - Consumer and Community Alert -  Affordable Connectivity Program Consumer Outreach Toolkit

February 28, 2022 - Affordable Connectivity Program Information: Affordable Connectivity Program

September 23, 2021 - Lifeline is the FCC’s program to make communications services more affordable for low income consumers.  See the link to learn more about the FCC’s Lifeline program. https://www.fcc.gov/sites/default/files/lifeline_support_for_affordable_communications.pdf

 May 12, 2021 - OCC Press Release: New BROADBANDNOW Report Finds 386,786 Connecticut Residents Lack Broadband Access https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/OCC/OCC-Press-Release_BROADBANDNOW-REPORT-_-May122021.pdf

 May 3, 2021 - Office of State Broadband News Release -  Broadband Benefit Program Emergency Broadband Benefit News Release for Office of State Broadband_May32021
 FCC Emergency Broadband Benefit Program: EBB Program Info for Connecticut
 Connecticut's Everyone Learns Initiative: https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/Office-of-the-Governor/News/20201202-Key-Facts-About-Connecticut-Effort-to-Close-the-K12-Digital-Divide

Digital Divide in Connecticut (September 2020): DigitalDivide_Report_2020_Final

FCC Household Broadband Guide: https://www.fcc.gov/consumers/guides/household-broadband-guide

 Digital Equity Toolkit for Communities:  https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/DAS/CTEdTech/publications/2018/CT_Digital_Equity_Toolkit.pdf

 Internet Access Programs for Consumers during Covid-19 crisis: https://www.hartfordschools.org/increased-access-to-internet-coverage-for-connecticut-residents/ 



Digital Literacy: https://www.nationalskillscoalition.org/resources/publications/file/New-Digital-Landscape-web.pdf

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