Tardiness Policy


All employees are expected to be at their work stations engaged in the work of the agency for the number of hours they are scheduled to work.

Tardiness is defined as failure to report for work at the regularly scheduled time, either at the start of the shift or when returning from breaks or lunch periods. This policy does not apply to occasional tardiness.

In accordance with collective bargaining agreements, employees are entitled to an unpaid lunch period approximately half way through the shift and two (2) fifteen minute paid breaks, one in each half shift, in accordance with agency operating needs.


Employees who exhibit a pattern of tardiness will first be counseled. If tardiness continues, employees should be docked for lateness in excess of 8 minutes or more in a day, in accordance with Department of Labor Regulation 31-60-11. Regardless of whether docking of pay has occurred, chronic or habitual tardiness is grounds for disciplinary action. Supervisors should consult with their Human Resources liaison prior to imposing discipline.