Immediate Actions To Take
  • If you are exposed, the effects will be fairly rapid
  • People around you may begin fainting, vomiting and have difficulty breathing
  • Birds and insects may die quickly and fall from the sky
  • IMMEDIATELY leave the area
  • Avoid puddles of liquid
  • If the attack was outside, get inside a building or a car
  • If you were directly exposed, remove clothing (place in plastic bags, if possible)
  • Removing contaminated clothing is more important than modesty
  • Do not pull contaminated clothing over your head; cut or tear it off to avoid contact with the eyes, nose, and mouth
  • Thoroughly flush all areas where agent contacted your skin using nearest available water
  • Emergency personnel are trained for immediate response, and medical treatment is available at most hospitals
Nerve Agents
Exposure: May be a liquid or a gas. Nerve agents enter the body through:
  • Skin and eyes
  • Breathing in (inhalation)
  • The mouth (by eating or swallowing)

Nerve agents are not contagious. They cannot spread from person to person.

Symptoms and treatment: Upon exposure to a nerve agent, the pupils of the eyes shrink to pinpoints and the body begins sweating and twitching. Runny nose, watery eyes, drooling, excessive sweating, difficult breathing, dimness of vision, nausea, and vomiting follow.

At first sight of symptoms, immediately remove the victim's clothing and flush eyes and skin with plenty of water, then seek medical attention. There are antidotes for specific chemical agents.

Sulfer Mustards
Exposure: Sulfur Mustards are generally thick yellow or brown liquids with a slight garlic or mustard odor. Sulfur Mustards enter the body through:
  • Skin and eyes
  • Breathing in (inhalation)
  • The mouth (by eating or swallowing)

Sulfur Mustards are NOT contagious. They cannot be spread from person to person

Symptoms and treatment: Mustard gas is a blistering agent that burns the eyes, the lungs, the mouth and throat, and any skin exposed to the gas. Symptoms, however, are not usually noticed until 1 - 6 hours after exposure.

If exposed to Sulfur Mustards, one should remove clothing and flush the eyes and skin with plenty of water, then immediately seek medical attention. There are antidotes for specific chemical agents.

Exposure: Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN) is an extremely flammable, colorless gas or liquid. It enters the body through:
  • Skin and eyes
  • Breathing in (inhalation)
  • The mouth (by eating or swallowing)

Hydrogen Cyanide is NOT contagious. It cannot be spread from person to person.

Symptoms and treatment: Symptoms include burning and redness of the skin and the eyes. Hydrogen Cyanide, if inhaled, causes confusion, drowsiness, shortness of breath, and eventually collapse.

If exposed to HCN, get fresh air immediately. Flush skin and eyes with plenty of water, then immediately seek medical attention.

Exposure: Chlorine is a greenish-yellow gas with a stinging odor. Because chlorine is heavier than air, it settles in low spots.
  • Skin and eyes
  • Breathing in (inhalation)
  • The mouth (from eating contaminated food)

Chlorine is NOT contagious. It cannot be spread from person to person.

Symptoms and treatment: Chlorine is very harmful to the eyes and skin and can cause tearing, blurred vision, difficulty breathing, and burns.

If exposed to Chlorine, get fresh air immediately. If exposed to skin, flush skin and eyes with plenty of water, then immediately seek medical attention.