Division of Safety Services

Public Act 13-3

Lieutenant Martin Burke, 860-262-5931

Public Act 13-3, An Act Concerning Gun Violence Prevention and Children’s Safety prevents anyone who has been voluntarily admitted to a hospital for persons with psychiatric disabilities … within the preceding six (6) months for care and treatment of a psychiatric disability and not solely for being an alcohol-dependent person or a drug-dependent person from obtaining a firearm application, permit, or certificate, for six (6) months after their date of voluntary admission. These individuals would also be ineligible to possess a firearm.

Additionally, anyone who has been committed to a hospital for persons with psychiatric disabilities by order of a probate court, within the preceding sixth (60) months, is prevented from obtaining a firearm application, permit, or certificate. These individuals would also be ineligible to possess a firearm forever, unless the person seeks restoration through the probate court.

The Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) is required to advise the hospital for psychiatric disabilities to which a person has been either voluntarily admitted or committed by order of a probate court, of the status of a firearm application, permit, or certificate and possession of a firearm, as reported by the Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection (DESSP) for consideration by such hospital in any psychiatric treatment procedures.

The Division of Safety Services has been designated the responsibilities pertaining to Public Act 13-3, Sections 8, 10-11 and 57-58.

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