Connecticut Resource Recovery Facilities

These companies operate permitted Resource Recovery Facilities (RRFs) in Connecticut. They convert municipal solid waste to energy. The Department does not recommend any of these companies over any others by providing this list to you.

Connecticut Solid Waste System - Resource Recovery Facility
Reserve Road - Gate 20
Hartford, CT 06114 
Owner:  Materials Innovation and Recycling Authority
Contact: Peter Egan
Telephone:  860-757-7725

Operator: NAES Corporation
Contact:  Scott Kelly
Telephone: 860-240-7101

Covanta Bristol Resource Recovery Facility
170 Enterprise Drive
Bristol, CT 06010
Contact: Tonya King
Telephone:  860-589-6470

Covanta Southeastern Connecticut Resource Recovery Facility
132 Route 12 / Military Highway
Preston, CT 06365
Contact: Tonya King or Kenneth Huebner
Telephone:  860-889-4900 

Plainfield Renewable Energy - Greenleaf Power (Biomass Gasification Facility)
12 Mill Brook Road
Plainfield, CT 06374
Contact: Mark Boucher, Greg Zis or Dawn Cannon
Telephone: 860-457-9307

Wheelabrator Bridgeport Resource Recovery Facility
6 Howard Avenue
Bridgeport, CT 06605
Contact: Tom Hochdorfer
Telephone:  203-337-2219

Wheelabrator Lisbon Resource Recovery Facility
425 South Burnham Highway
Lisbon, CT 06351
Contact: John Horgan 
Telephone:  860-885-3512




Content Last Updated November 2020