Help sustain our many outdoor resources for everyone’s enjoyment by securing the required permits.

Purchase or Reprint Your Sportsmen License

Obtain Connecticut licensing for fishing, hunting, trapping, or boating. You can also purchase trout/salmon stamps, deer tags, migratory bird stamps, and non-resident aquatic invasive species stamps.

Apply for a Fishing & Boating Permit

Apply for permits for inland or marine fishing tournaments, marine events, importation of live fish/eggs, liberation of live fish/eggs, and special regulations on association controlled waters and private water registrations.

Secure Campground Reservations

Leverage DEEP’s online system (Reserve America) to secure campsite reservations, including those with rustic cabins at state parks and forest campgrounds all over the state.

Purchase a State Park Vehicle Pass

If you’re not a resident of Connecticut and would like unlimited access to our state’s parks and beaches, purchase a State Park Vehicle pass at our online DEEP store. If your vehicle has an up-to-date Connecticut license plate, you can already park free at all state parks and beaches — thanks to our Passport to the Parks program.

Sign Up for DEEP eAlerts and newsletters

Stay up-to-date on public notices, newsletters, and updates to DEEP's webpages by signing up for our emails through DEEP eAlerts.