Connecticut Project WET (Water Education Today)

The award winning, NSTA recommended Project WET Curriculum and activity Guide 2.0 continues Project WET's dedication to 21st century, cutting-edge water education. Correlated to Common Core Standards, the Curriculum and Activity Guide 2.0 gives educators of children from kindergarten to twelfth grade, the tools they need to integrate water education into every school subject. Through hands on investigations and simulations, students gain an understanding of not just what lives in water environments but the science behind water and its behaviors.
Water has unique physical and chemical characteristics
Water is essential for life
Water connects all Earth systems
Water is a natural resource
Water resources are managed
Water exists within social constructs
Water resources exist within cultural construct
Workshop Schedules and Arrangements
- Full Day -- provides in-depth lessons on collection of topics and applications to curriculum. Each participant receives a Project WET 2.0 Resource Guide, student Discovery Booklet(s), state related resource materials and resource speakers.
- Half Day or 3 hour workshop -- provides participants with a specific topic focus and application for their classroom or educational needs and copies of materials, as they relate to that topic.
- Sampler Session -- a shortened presentation and introduction to the materials and opportunities to acquire the resources through a workshop. These last one to two hours and provide a sample lesson from the guide, rather than the complete guide.

Arrange to borrow Enviroscapes and Ground Water Models by sending an e-mail for details to There is no charge for use of models.
Content last updated September 2022