Connecticut's Coastal Nonpoint Source
Pollution Control Program

Links to More Information about Reducing NPS from Marinas and Recreational Boating

Note: many of the following links exit the DEEP website

CT DEEP Boating Information

CT DEEP Boater's Guide   Part Four: Boating and Environmental Awareness

CT Clean Boater Program

CT Clean Marina Program

CT Clean Vessel Act Program (Pumpouts)

Connecticut's No Discharge Area Program

Harbor Management

Chapter 444a: Harbor Management Commissions

Harbor Management Plans in Connecticut

CT Harbor Management Association


EPA's Guidance Specifying Management Measures for Sources of Nonpoint Pollution in Coastal Waters Chapter 5: Management Measure for Marinas and Recreational Boating

EPA's Shipshape Shores and Waters: A Handbook for Marina Operators and Recreational Boaters

NOAA Ocean Service Education Nonpoint Source Pollution : Marinas and Boating Activities

Content updated on March 2, 2020