Connecticut Tourism Council


The Connecticut Tourism Council is a legislatively created group by House Bill #7306, Public Act 19-178 that was signed into law by Governor Lamont on July 8, 2019.

The Department of Economic and Community Development Commissioner or designee, the Department of Transportation Commissioner or designee, and the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection or designee make up the permanent seats on the Council. The remainder of the seats are appointments made by the Governor of the State of Connecticut, president pro tempore of the Senate, majority leader of the Senate, minority leader of the Senate, speaker of the House of Representatives, majority leader of the House of Representatives, and the minority leader of the House of Representative.

These appointments, by this legislation, have to contain members from the many sectors that make up the entire Connecticut tourism industry. Specific industries that are to be represented and whom they are appointed by is contained within the legislation that created the Connecticut Tourism Council (wording directly connected to the creation of the Connecticut Tourism Council is highlighted).