Airport Development Zone


Airplane  This zone designation provides a tax abatement for businesses that meet the qualifying requirements in an airport development zone.
Key Incentives for Businesses
For qualifying businesses:
  • a five-year 80% abatement of local property taxes on qualifying real estate and personal property (machinery and equipment)—the investment must be new to the municipality’s Grand List as a direct result of a business expansion and/or renovation, and 
  • other benefits as stipulated in the Connecticut General Statutes.

Statutory Reference

CGS Sec. 32-75d.

Eligibility A variety of businesses may be eligible for these incentives, including but not limited to the following:
  • manufacturer, process or assemble raw materials or parts;
  • perform manufacturing-related research and development; or
  • significantly service, overhaul or rebuild industrial machinery and equipment;
  • warehouse and transport freight (as long as the business is dependent on goods shipped by air);
  • provide business services, including information technology services, directly related to airport operations.
These programs are designed to encourage capital improvements to land and/or buildings, businesses must be prepared to either renovate an existing facility by investing at least 50% of its pre-acquisition value in the renovation, OR construct a new facility, OR expand an existing facility, OR acquire a facility that has been idle (minimum period of idleness depends on average number of employees). Note: if the applicant is leasing this qualifying facility, the lease must be for at least five years with the option at that point to either 1) renew the lease for an aggregate term of not less than 10 years or 2) buy the facility. The three approved Airport Development Zones include the following:
  • Bradly International Airport (BDL)
  • Groton-New London Airport (KGON)
  • Waterbury-Oxford Airport (KOXC)

How to Apply

For businesses seeking tax incentives and other benefits: Across all cities and towns that are approved by the DECD to participate in the Enterprise Zone program:

Step One
  1. Before starting any project, the business must first submit a formal request through the local economic development office of the municipality in order to obtain a Preliminary Questionnaire.
  2. If pre-qualified, the business would receive from the DECD a formal application and an invitation to apply.
Step Two
  1. The business submits a complete application with required documentation to the DECD prior to October 1 of the year in which the project will be completed.
  2. If approved, DECD would issue a Certificate of Eligibility.


To view the designated municipal Enterprise Zone coordinators for this zone type, please refer to the Contact section.