A formal administrative hearing was held before the Department of Consumer Protection’s Liquor Control Commission on March 13, 2014. At the hearing, the agency heard testimony from Waterbury residents objecting to the issuance of a final permit for this venue, citing violations of the Liquor Control Act, including topless performers while the premises was operating with a provisional liquor permit. The Department also heard testimony from Lionel Gouveia and Tammy Gomes, owners of Pandora’s Cabaret.
The record was held open to allow for additional information. In written submissions, Waterbury Mayor Neil M. O’Leary and Police Chief Vernon Riddick Jr. opposed granting of the final permit. Citing numerous violations of criminal statutes, Mayor O’Leary wrote that this conduct clearly demonstrated that “the owners and management of Pandora’s Cabaret have no regard for public safety or the laws that govern us.” Police Chief Riddick stated that he had “observed a pattern of criminal activity at Pandora’s which causes me great concern for public safety.”
“A liquor permit is a privilege and not a right. Public safety requires the department to carefully review all of the facts and circumstances related to the operation of a liquor business,” Commissioner Rubenstein stated. “Based upon the facts found in its review, the Liquor Control Commission determined that Pandora’s Cabaret was not deserving of a liquor permit.”
The full decision can be found on the Department’s website under Memoranda of Decisions.