There are more than 2,100 newly non-exempt
“Once the IRS announces that an organization’s tax exemption has been revoked, contributions to that organization are no longer deductible for tax purposes by donors,” Consumer Protection Commissioner William M. Rubenstein said today. “Donors should check with their professional tax preparer on all tax issues. In addition, donors should be aware that organizations that have had their federal tax exemption revoked by the IRS may have other management issues.”
This can be done by going to and clicking on “Verify a License” under the column titled “For Licensees and Applicants.” On the next screen select “Lookup a License,” scroll down the “Available” box and select “Charity,” then click on the > sign to add the Charity category to a search. Type all or part of the charity name in the appropriate box and select “Search.” Be sure to scroll down to see your results. For more information or assistance, contact the Public Charities office at (860) 713-6170 or by email at