Bedding & Upholstered Furniture Manufacturer


  • You may request a Connecticut Uniform Registry Number, or if your firm has been issued a Uniform Registry Number by another state, please request that number on the application. You must submit a copy of your current license if you are requesting a uniform registry number. Only manufacturing plants may hold a manufacturing license.

Required Documentation:   

  • All firms must submit duplicate copies of your law labels. It is suggested that printer’s proofs be submitted for approval prior to printing the final product to avoid the possibility of an error. If you do not have law tags because you have not been assigned a registration and/or permit number, this office will issue you a number.

Bedding & Upholstered Furniture Manufacturer Application:

  • Application Fee: $100.00


All manufacturer licenses expire annually on April 30th.  Renewal Fee: $100.00 

Email Address:

Back to Licenses, Permits and Registration Forms
