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Regular Council Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, November 9, 2021, 10:08 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

(Online via Microsoft Teams)



The 234th meeting of the CT Council on Developmental Disabilities was held on Tuesday, November 9, 2021, from 10:08 a.m. to 1:11 p.m. on Microsoft Teams.

Presiding:  James Hexter, Chair

Recorder of Minutes:  Donna Devin, Program Assistant

Voting Members Present:  Emily Ball, Chuck Bergamo, April Burke, Andy Cirioli, Kevin Daly, Deborah Dorfman, Antonia Edwards, Ann Gionet, James Hexter, Chair; Bryan Klimkiewicz, Doris Maldonado, Vice Chair; Lauren Traceski, Brenda Stenglein, Tara Viens


Members Absent:   Michelle Baughman, Joyce Lewis, Ellyn Little, Kaitlynn Ramos, Louis St. Felix,

Staff:  Walter Glomb, Director

1. Call to Order:  Without a quorum present, James Hexter, Chair, called the meeting to order at 10:08 a.m.

2. Comments by Council Chair:  James Hexter greeted everyone. Since there were no members of the public present, he turned the floor over to Walt for the Director’s report.

3. Report from the Council Director:  Walter Glomb, Council Director, gave the Director’s report and provided a highlight of current activities. Due to the Covid pandemic, the Administration for Community Living gave the State DD Councils an extra year to use their funding and tie up loose ends.

Last month it was announced the State is moving ahead formally with Customized Employment in a coordinated way with the State Department of Developmental Services, the Bureau of Rehabilitation Services, and the Department of Education. A training program for Customized Employment is being rolled out to qualifying providers.

Chuck Bergamo asked if someone at the state level would speak to the Council about the program at the next meeting. Walt will contact Amber Burke at DDS to see who would be available.

Walt met with staff at the Department of Public Health. Benjamin Bechtolsheim, Director of the Covid 19 Vaccine program, invited Walt to speak to key people there about how the state can adopt lessons learned from the vaccine clinic the Council hosted over the summer.

4. Official Call to Order:  With a quorum present, James Hexter, Chair, called the meeting to order at 10:24 a.m.

5. Approval of Agenda:  Doris Maldonado, Vice Chair, motioned to approve the agenda. Chuck Bergamo seconded the motion. The agenda was approved.

6. Approval of Minutes from September 14, Council Meeting:  Kevin Daly motioned to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by April Burke. The minutes were approved.

7. Amendment of the Minutes: Minutes from September 14, Annual Council Meeting will be amended to reflect the official portion of the Council meeting began at 12:40 p.m., not a.m. Also, Doris Maldonado was elected Council Vice Chair, not Charles Bergamo.  April Burke motioned for acceptance. Andy Cirioli seconded the motion. All members approved the edits.

8. Director’s Report Continues:  James Hexter, Chair, asked about transportation in rural areas. Walt gave a recap of the obstacles he had encountered working toward this Council objective. No workable proposals were submitted addressing this problem and it is difficult for privately owned transportation businesses to expand into this area and remain sustainable. However, Walt was encouraged by his meetings with the State Department of Transportation and other models are being considered.

           Outreach to underserved communities is continuing. To date, no grant proposals focusing on this objective have been received.

Approval of 2022 Calendar of Meetings:  Doris Maldonado, Vice Chair, asked if some of the Council meetings could start late in the afternoon into the evening to accommodate people with varied work schedules. The talk segued into a discussion on virtual meetings and availability of members for in-person meetings and hybrid options.

James Hexter, Chair, asked for a motion to approve the Council’s 2022 Calendar of Meetings. Chuck Bergamo motioned for acceptance of the 2022 Calendar. Kevin Daly seconded the motion. The 2022 Calendar was approved.


9. Report From the Proposal Review and Evaluation Committee and Motions to Approve Recommendations of the Committee: The Committee recommended three grant requests be approved by the Council and gave an overview of them. The Western Connecticut Association for Human Rights (WeCAHR) asked for funds to assist with two activities. The first is for informing individuals with developmental disabilities and their caregivers about their civil, housing and educational rights. Their second activity is to increase the capacity of self advocates to assess and address the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities by developing self advocacy and self determination skills. The training will focus on educating people at Southbury Institution about community opportunities.

Andy Cirioli, Committee Vice-Chair, motioned to approve the Proposal Review and Evaluation Committee’s recommendation to authorize the Council’s Director to enter into an MOU with Western Connecticut Association for Human Rights (WeCAHR) for the $10K they requested in their proposal. Doris Maldonado, Council Vice Chair, seconded the motion. The proposal was approved unanimously.

Keep The Promise (KTP) Coalition submitted a grant proposal for using public education and grass roots strategies to empower those with mental health and related conditions to self advocate, develop leadership skills, and create long term systemic change. Their primary focus is mental health, but their activities will broadly benefit those with developmental disabilities.

Andy Cirioli, Committee Vice-Chair, motioned to approve the Proposal Review and Evaluation Committee’s recommendation to authorize the Council’s Director to enter into an MOU with Keep The Promise (KTP) for $50K for their projects outlined in their proposal. Chuck Bergamo, Committee Chair, seconded the motion. The proposal was approved unanimously.

The MidState Arc requested grant funding to host a state-wide conference, “Navigating the Journey to Independence: Assistive Technology at Its Best”. Providers will also benefit from the event.

Andy Cirioli, Committee Vice-Chair, motioned to approve the Proposal Review and Evaluation Committee’s recommendation to authorize the Council’s Director to enter into an MOU with the MidState Arc for $35K requested by them to put on an assistive technology conference. Chuck Bergamo, Committee Chair, seconded the motion. The proposal was approved unanimously.

James Hexter, Council Chair, raised the possibility of holding a special meeting before the Council’s regular meeting in January, to approve more recommended grant applications. The second Tuesday in December was tentatively suggested.


10. Formation of Committees for 2022:  James Hexter, Chair, discussed the various Council Committees and reviewed the bylaws. Council members selected the committees they would like to serve on for 2022.

Advocacy, Public Information and Education Committee:

Bryan Klimkiewicz, Ellyn Little.

Legislative Program and Policy Committee:

Emily Ball, April Burke, Andy Cirioli, Kevin Daly, Deborah Dorfman,

Antonia Edwards, Ann Gionet.

Membership and Support Committee:

Charles Bergamo, April Burke, Antonia Edwards, Joyce Lewis, Ellyn Little, Brenda Stenglein.

Proposal Review and Evaluation Committee:

Andy Cirioli, Vice-Chair; Chuck Bergamo, Chair; Michelle Baughman, Doris Maldonado, and Tara Viens.


11. Announcements and Adjournment:  Chuck Bergamo made a motion for adjournment. Andy Cirioli seconded the motion. The meeting concluded at 1:11 p.m. The next Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 11, 2022.