Connecticut's Equity Study

Connecticut is conducting a study in 2023 to examine if its state government treats residents fairly and equitably

 Have you gone to the Department of Motor Vehicles to register your car or renew your license? Have you paid state taxes or received a state child tax rebate? Do you or your child receive social services?  There are so many ways we interact with state agencies and their programs, even if we don’t realize it.

The Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities has partnered with Faulkner Consulting Group (FCG) to conduct an equity study across all state agencies, and we want to hear about your experiences interacting with the state. This equity study is looking at state programs and policies to determine whether there are patterns of discrimination and inequality, and what steps should be taken to fix these problems.

A critical part of the study is listening to the people that the government is here to serve. FCG and the CHRO held three virtual meetings to introduce the study and let residents know about upcoming opportunities to participate in the months ahead.

Recordings of the public meetings are accessible using the links below.

Date of Public Meeting

Link to the Recording of the Public Meeting


Click Here


Click Here


Click Here

You can also access the slides used at the public meetings here.

Frequently asked questions regarding the Equity Study are accessible here.


How can I provide input to the Equity Study?

There is a public survey and all Connecticut residents are encouraged to provide insight, personal experience, feedback, and recommendations at any time while the study is underway.


How can I reach the Equity Study with additional questions?

You can submit questions and/or sign up to be kept up to date on the Equity Study through this link.