Bleeding Heart (Dicentra)

Plant Health Problems
See Perennials for a detailed discussion of problems that may occur and are common to most herbaceous ornamentals.

Diseases caused by Fungi:

Crown rot, Sclerotium rolfsii.
Plants wilt and die. A cobweb-like weft of white mycelium usually is found on the lower stem. Small black seed-like sclerotia may be embedded in diseased tissues or scattered over the surface of the ground near plants.

Removal and destruction of plants may be the best means of disease control.

Wilt, Fusarium oxysporum.
This pathogen infects the vascular or water-conducting tissues of plants, and causes wilt symptoms by impairing water flow. As a result, symptomatic plants may flag or wilt on one side of the plant, leaves may be twisted and yellow on one side, turn brown and hang down prior to drying up. Overall, the plant exhibits drought symptoms despite adequate soil moisture. If the stem is cut open near the base, the vascular tissues are typically brown or discolored.

Wilt control involves removal of infected plants and associated roots and soil. The pathogen survives in soil and plant debris for long times, so disposal of plants and soil without spread is important.

Insect Problems

This plant is not prone to insect damage. See Perennials.