Press Releases

Attorney General William Tong



(Hartford, CT) – Attorney General William Tong and Consumer Counsel Elin Katz urged United Illuminating customers to check their bills following an error by UI informing consumers of an inaccurate standard service rate beginning July 1. As a result of the inaccurate rates posted by UI on the Energize CT website, some consumers may have switched to a third-party electric supplier on the incorrect understanding that switching would save them money.

Consumers who switched to a third-party supplier during the period when the inaccurate rate was posted, May 3 to May 23, will receive a notice in the mail from UI providing accurate rates and a phone number to call for assistance. Approximately 3,500 customers either switched from UI's standard service rate to a third-party supplier or switched suppliers during that period, and some of those customers may have unintentionally selected a higher rate than the standard service offer.

The new rates are scheduled to go into effect on July 1. As a result, no one has yet been overcharged.

UI's standard service rate in effect until June 30, 2019 is 11.23 cents per kWh, and will decrease to 8.35 cents per kWh for the period July 1 – December 31, 2019.

"Electric rates are too high as it is, and no one should be paying more than they need to due to this error. United Illuminating customers who switched to a third-party supplier last month should check their bills right away. If your next cycle rate is above 8.35 cents per kWh, you may not be getting the lowest rate possible. Consumers who want to switch back to the standard service rate can and should ask United Illuminating to reimburse them for any early termination fee," said Attorney General William Tong. "The Office of the Attorney General is here to assist anyone who needs help reviewing their bill and correcting any errors."

Consumer Counsel Katz noted that “certainly the bright side here is that the standard service rates for UI customers will be materially lower now that this error has been discovered, and also much lower than was the case during the first six months of the year. I fully support and appreciate the efforts of the Attorney General to bring this issue to the attention of UI customers and the recent work of the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) to develop appropriate remedies for the situation. With this information, UI customers will be able to determine whether they reacted to the higher, incorrect rate and can work now on their options to lower their electric generation rates as we enter the summer cooling season. With PURA’s order to UI to reimburse any early termination fees that may be incurred due to this error, affected customers should indeed be made whole, such that the error will ultimately do no harm.”

UI has provided in letters to impacted customers a dedicated phone line to address questions and concerns. Consumers with questions may also contact the Attorney General's Consumer Assistance Unit at 860-808-5240, or the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority customer assistance line at 1-800-382-4586. If you have general questions about your bill for UI, customers may call 1-800-7-CALL-UI.

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Facebook: CT Attorney General
Media Contact:

Elizabeth Benton
860-808-5324 (office)
860-214-0937 (cell)

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