The goal of the Division of Administration is to deliver diversified services which provide OPM employees with the tools, environment, information, and support necessary to accomplish OPM's mission.

The Division of Administration articulates and implements the vision and policies of the Secretary of OPM and directs the administrative management of the agency through:

  • communication with all staff members and external customers,
  • implementation of policies, procedures and regulations,
  • facilitation of intra-agency and inter-agency problem solving.

The Division of Administration’s services are delivered by three units: Business Operations, Human Resources/Equal Employment Opportunity, and Information Systems Support and Development.

The Business Operations Unit coordinates and maintains the OPM budget and the operations of the agency including purchasing and contract administration; inventory control and disposition; fleet, mail, and courier services; staff travel; facility management; records retention; processes expenditures, maintains account data, prepares financial reports, keeps track of agency financial information, and performs audit reviews of OPM’s subgrant information. The unit also administers the payroll function and benefits package for all OPM employees.

The Human Resources Unit administers a comprehensive personnel management program which encompasses labor relations, collective bargaining, staffing and recruitment. Equal Employment Opportunity is a sub-unit within the Human Resources Unit and is responsible for developing, implementing and monitoring policies and procedures related to equal employment opportunity, affirmative action and the Americans with Disabilities Act and ensures OPM’s compliance with federal, state and local affirmative action and equal opportunity laws as an equal employment opportunity employer.

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 68(b) of Public Act 24-81, the Office of Policy and Management Point of Contact for employees needing Services for Persons Who Are Deaf, Deafblind or Hard of Hearing is Carolyn Kozak, Human Resource Generalist 3, Telephone 860-418-6324, Email:

The Information Systems Support and Development Unit provides management and support services for the agency’s computer systems, specialized software application development, network administration, telecommunications support including Internet access, and OPM technology planning.


For Further Information, Contact:
Yvonne Addo, Chief Administrative Officer, (860) 418-6360;

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