Project 0171-0501 Webpage

Welcome to the webpage for Project 0171-0501, Rehabilitation of Four Bridges Carrying Route 72 over Various Features, in the City of New Britain and Town of Plainville.

A Virtual Public Information Meeting (VPIM) was held for the project on Tuesday, August 15, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. The recording of that event can be accessed at the Virtual Public Information Meeting Video Library. Scroll down that page to find the video.

The video is also available on this YouTube Channel. Project No. 171-501 Rehab of Four Bridges Carrying Route 72 in New Britain and Plainville - YouTube

Report of Meeting from Virtual Public Information Meeting can be viewed here.

The purpose of the project is rehabilitate, or preserve the condition of the bridges, thus extending the useful service life of these structures and maintaining the bridges in a state of good repair.  This project is being completed utilizing the Design-Build Contracting Method, in which the final design and construction are completed under one contract.  The Design-Build team consists of a Designer and Contractor working together to complete the project as a single entity under the oversight of the Connecticut Department of Transportation.  The final design scope of work for this project will be based upon the approved submittal of the selected Design-Build team.

Right-of-way impacts associated with the proposed project are not anticipated.

Construction is anticipated to begin Spring 2025 and end in Fall 2026 based on the availability of funding, acquisition of rights of way, and approval of permit(s).  The estimated construction cost for this project is approximately $47,500,000. This project is anticipated to be undertaken with 80% federal funds and 20% state funds.

The proposed display materials can be found here.

The Public Meeting Notice (English) can be found here.

The Public Meeting Notice (Spanish) can be found here.

The Public Meeting Notice (Polish) can be found here.

Please note that the project email previously posted will not be monitored at the conclusion of the Virtual Public Information Meeting. Questions should be addressed to Customer Care at, please include the project number when making inquiries.

Additional Information for Public

Voluntary Feedback Survey

After the meeting, we hope you’ll take a few extra minutes to fill out our brief survey.

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