Project 0111-0125 Webpage

Welcome to the webpage for State Project No. 0111-0125, Replacement of Bridge No. 05664, Taft Pond Road in the Town of Pomfret.

A Virtual Public Information Meeting (VPIM) was held for the project on October 17, 2023. The recording of that event can be accessed at the Virtual Public Information Meeting Video Library. Scroll down that page to find the video.

The video is also available on this YouTube Channel

Report of Meeting from Virtual Public Information Meeting: Meeting Minutes

The purpose of the project is to replace Bridge No. 05664, a single span 22-foot-long structure that carries Taft Pond Road over the Mashamoquet Brook in the Town of Pomfret (Town). The bridge is located approximately half a mile north of State Route 97 in a heavily forested, rural area. The bridge carries bi-directional traffic in a north-south direction over a 22’-0” roadway curb-to-curb width. The Mashamoquet Brook flows under the bridge from west to east.

The bridge was originally built in 1900 with the current superstructure, comprising of corrugated galvanized metal bridge planking supported by six steel girders, being constructed in 1992. The bridge superstructure is supported by concrete abutments with flared wingwalls, which are presumed to be founded on soil. The bridge rail system consists of I-shaped steel posts with a steel angle top rail and metal beam guiderails that extend to the approaches. The guiderails are supported by steel posts off the bridge and have no formal end anchors. Taft Pond Road is classified as a Rural Minor Collector, and the Average Daily Traffic (ADT) is estimated to be 168 vehicles per day according to a traffic count taken in November 2022.

The purpose and need of the project are to address deficiencies in the bridge as identified by recent inspections. The bridge is currently posted for weight restrictions, is noted as scour critical, and requires new bridge rail systems to meet current safety standards.

The proposed replacement structure is a prestressed concrete adjacent deck unit bridge with a longer span length of 39’-0” and a wider 24’-0” curb-to-curb roadway width meeting FHWA and State standards. Apart from eliminating weight restrictions, the proposed bridge will also improve the hydraulic adequacy. The superstructure will be comprised of multiple prestressed concrete deck units with a concrete deck, membrane waterproofing system, and a 3-inch minimum bituminous concrete overlay.  The superstructure will be supported by concrete abutments with the south abutment founded on a spread footing bearing directly on bedrock, while the north abutment will be founded on steel H-piles end bearing on rock and designed for scour. U-shaped wingwalls are proposed at the four corners of the bridge to retain embankment fills. A crash tested and aesthetically pleasing 3-tube open bridge rail system is proposed to be mounted along the concrete curbs along both fasciae. Metal beam guiderails will be installed east and west of the roadway at the approaches to the bridge. The roadway will be reconstructed approximately 270 feet south of the bridge and 215 feet north of the bridge. While the existing horizontal alignment of the roadway will be slightly shifted to the west for improvements, the vertical alignment will be maintained. Traffic will be detoured during construction through a 9-mile detour route around the bridge.

There are right-of-way impacts associated with the proposed improvements. The proposed bridge replacement will require permanent slope easements (3 properties).

Construction is anticipated to begin Spring 2026 based on the availability of funding, acquisition of rights of way, and approval of permit(s).  The estimated construction cost for this project is approximately $2.45 Million. This project is anticipated to be undertaken with 80% federal funds and 20% state funds.

The proposed project plans can be viewed here.

The Public Meeting Notice can be viewed here.

Please note that the project email previously posted will not be monitored at the conclusion of the Virtual Public Information Meeting. Questions should be addressed to Customer Care at, please include the project number when making inquiries.

Additional Information for Public

Voluntary Feedback Survey

After the meeting, we hope you’ll take a few extra minutes to fill out our brief survey.

DOT Office of Equity – Title VI Program

MS-4 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems