Learn More about Executive Branch Actions on Sustainability & Resiliency

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CT Department of Administrative Services 

The Department of Administrative Services has been a leader in sustainability and resiliency in Connecticut. DAS co-chairs the GreenerGov Steering Committee per Governor's Lamont's Executive Order 1. Executive Order 21-3 expands on the greenhouse gas emissions goals set in E.O.1, setting interim targets for installing solar, electrifying fleet vehicles, and developing a decarbonization plan. DAS’ Sustainability Manager works across the agency to ensure that it is complying with the state's climate and sustainability goals outlined in statutes, public acts, and executive orders.

DAS's Construction Services collaborates with all state agencies on design and construction projects at state facilities to ensure energy efficiency and compliance with current building codes. The Procurement office ensures that there is language in our state contracts that the goods and services we purchase are environmentally friendly and that contractors are recycling our materials properly.

DAS recently signed off on their first solar project at three locations: 24 Wolcott Hill Road, Wethersfield, 155 Morgan Street, Hartford, and 315 Buckingham Street, Hartford. DAS is the signatory of a Master Power Purchase Agreement with the CT Green Bank that allows state agencies to implement solar PV projects on their property.

DAS Activities for Executive Order 21-3:  

  • Developing an EV Fleet Roadmap to convert our light duty state fleet vehicles, managed by DAS, to electric vehicles by 50% by 2026, 75% by 2028, and 100% by 2030. These goals are outline in C.G.A 4a-67d and E.O.21-3 section 3c. 
  • Developing a statewide composting hauling contract, so that State agencies can implement a food/organic diversion program per E.O. 21-3 section 3a. 
  • Developing, in collaboration with DEEP, a statewide decarbonization plan to retrofit existing fossil fuel based heating and cooling equipment to non-fossil fuel based equipment, per E.O. 21-3 section 3d. Phase 1 was just completed on July 31, 2024, and Phase 2 will begin later this year.  

The State has just recently partnered with Department of Energy's Better Climate Challenge in committing to reducing our GHG emissions by 50% in the next 10 years and share our energy and GHG data. In return, DOE will provide the state with any technical assistance needed and give recognition to all the work we are doing. 

For more information on GreenerGov, please visit the website Connecticut GreenerGov. For information on executive orders, click on the links for E.O.1 and E.O. 21-3

CT Department of Transportation (CT DOT) 

The Sustainability and Resiliency Unit develops actionable plans to increase the sustainability of DOT’s integrated multimodal transportation system.  Our team works with all parts of DOT to increase energy efficiency, reduce the carbon footprint of transportation, reduce waste and reduce the cost of government operations. The Unit is also responsible for the development and implementation of adaptation strategies to ensure DOT is prepared for the impacts of climate change on the State’s transportation infrastructure. Learn more here!  

Connecticut Insurance Department (CID) 

CT Insurance Department (CID) ensures insurance companies follow the state's laws and treat you fairly. CID offers guidance, support, and education and regulate the industry to promote fair competition and increase availability. 

CID has a couple of key programs related to sustainability and resiliency. Pursuant to the June Special Session, Public Act No. 21-2, Section 312 (Conn. Gen. Stat. § 38a-23), the Insurance Commissioner of the Connecticut Insurance Department provides a Climate Progress Report to the legislature on a biennial basis (2022 and 2024 reports.) Over the past year, CID worked with the Connecticut Green Bank, Clean Energy Group, and other partners to identify risks and solutions for the many residents relying on Home Medical Devices (HMDs) Climate Smart Technology Report.

Connecticut Green Bank

The Connecticut Green Bank was established by the Connecticut General Assembly in 2011 as the nation’s first state-level green bank and has since supported the creation of more than 30,000 green jobs in the state, while reducing the energy cost burden on over 71,000 families, businesses, and nonprofits.

The Green Bank’s vision is a planet protected by the love of humanity and its mission is to confront climate change by increasing and accelerating investment into Connecticut’s green economy to create more resilient, healthier, and equitable communities. This is accomplished by leveraging limited public resources to scale-up and mobilize private capital investment into Connecticut. In 2021, the Green Bank’s model was expanded to include new areas of environmental infrastructure, related to climate adaptation and resiliency, land conservation, parks and recreation, agriculture, water, waste and recycling, and environmental markets, including carbon offsets and ecosystem services.

To date, the Green Bank has mobilized more than $3 billion into the State’s green economy. This has reduced the energy costs for thousands of families and businesses, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change and worsen public health.

University of Connecticut 

The University of Connecticut, as a premier research and education institution, leads many initiatives across academic disciplines in and out of the classroom. Our students and researchers are solving pressing problems, fostering multidisciplinary solutions, and creating the workforce of tomorrow. UConn’s Office of Sustainability:

  • Provides guidelines and support for sustainability in all sectors.
  • Creates programs to enhance sustainability engagement and awareness.
  • Leads campus sustainability efforts at UConn.

Check out the wonderful initiatives and research happening across our colleges and campuses:  

CT Sustainability & Resiliency Updates CT Sustainability & Resiliency Efforts