Meeting Date and Time: Monday, April 26th, 2023, 3:00 PM
Meeting Type: Special Meeting of the SEC Reinvestment Committee
Meeting Location: Virtual TEAMS Meeting
To join, please click this link: JOIN THE MEETING
Meeting posted:
AGENDA (draft)
1. Call to Order and Welcome Ojala Naeem, Co-chair
2. Attendance Ojala Naeem, Co-chair
3. NOFA Response Review Ginne-Rae Clay, Executive Director
Possible Executive Session
Executive session to review and discuss responses to SEC’s request for applications/proposals
in connection with the Notice of Availability of Funding Application for Community Reinvestment program.
4. Reinvestment Committee Recommendations Ojala Naeem, Co-chair
5. For the Good of the Order – New Business, Updates, and Information Ojala Naeem, Co-chair
6. Adjourn Ojala Naeem, Co-chair
Co-chairs: Ojala Naeem, Avery Gaddis
Members: Andrea Comer, Corrie Betts, Avery Gaddis, Subira Gordon, Michael Jefferson, Ojala Naeem, Paul O. Robertson