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  • NetStat

    Three times per year school leadership teams participate in continuous learning modules intended to highlight promising practices and problem solve challenges. You can find presentations and materials from each event.

  • Spotlight on Connecticut

    Most of the following Connecticut schools and districts are members of the League of Innovative Schools (LIS) and are engaged in Mastery-Based Learning. LIS is a regional professional learning community for secondary schools committed to educational equity, student-centered learning and ongoing improvement.

  • Guidelines for Implementing Mastery-Based Learning

    In accordance with the Connecticut General Statutes (C.G.S.) Section 10-221a(f)(3) passed by the Connecticut State Legislature, the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) is required to create and distribute guidance to support educators in schools and districts interested in implementing a mastery-based system as follows.

  • State Council on Educational Opportunities for Military Children

  • Grantees of the Office of Early Childhood

  • Finance and Internal Operations

  • Connecticut Teacher of the Year 2023

    Carolyn Kielma - Connecticut Teacher of the Year 2023 Biography

  • Connecticut Teacher of the Year Program

    The Connecticut Teacher of the Year Program began in 1952. It is sponsored by the Connecticut State Department of Education, Talent Office and a number of corporate, organizational and individual sponsors, it begins with the selection of a teacher of the year in each district and continues to the national level, where the Connecticut Teacher of the Year becomes eligible for national honors.

  • Agency Circular Letters

  • Increasing Educator Diversity (IED) Policy Oversight Council

    Advise the Commissioner of Education on ways to encourage minority middle and secondary school students to attend institutions of higher education and enter teacher preparation programs, recruit minority students attending institutions of higher education to enroll in teacher preparation programs and pursue teaching careers, recruit and retain minority teachers in Connecticut schools, recruit minority teachers from other states to teach in Connecticut schools, and recruit minority professionals in other fields to enter teaching.