Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about how your benefits may be affected
- Update us so we can update you! Make sure your address and phone number are up to date! Update Us (ct.gov)
- This can be done for Husky A, B and D members online by visiting Access Health CT or calling Access Health at 1-855-805-4325
For HUSKY C members: online at Connecticut Department of Social Services or by calling DSS at 1-855-626-6632 - Be on the lookout for mail from the Connecticut Department of Social Services, Access Health, and HUSKY Health
- Follow DSS on social media for updates CT Department of Social Services | Facebook and https://twitter.com/ctdss
- For HUSKY A, B, and D members, sign up with Access Health for email and text updates
- For HUSKY C, sign up for paperless notices at myDSS.ct.gov
- Check for updates online at HUSKY Health
Automatic Renewals: About 60 days before your HUSKY Health renewal is due, we will try to renew your coverage automatically based on information you previously gave to us. If we can automatically renew your coverage, we will let you know by mail and you will not need to do anything more this year.
Watch for Mail: If we are unable to automatically renew your coverage, you will be sent a renewal form to update and mail back to us. Other ways to Renew: You may renew your coverage online, over the phone or in-person. It is important to complete your renewal when you get it to see if you still qualify for health coverage.
When Renewals will be sent: DSS is not renewing everyone all at once. Each month beginning in March 2023, some of HUSKY Health members were sent a renewal notification. All you need to do is wait until you receive your renewal notification. Attempting to rush to renew your coverage does not change your renewal date. Please wait until you are notified and be sure to complete your renewal quickly and provide requested documentation If you are asked to take action, If you have provided your current phone number, we will attempt to text or call you with a reminder. This will help ensure you do not experience a lapse in medical coverage.
HUSKY A, B and D members:
- The fastest way to renew is online: accesshealthct.com
- Call Access Health CT: 855-805-4325 to complete your renewal over the phone or to find an in-person location near you.
- Return your updated pre-filled renewal form and mail it to: Access Health CT, P.O. Box 670, Manchester, CT 06045-0670
HUSKY C, MSP and Limited Benefit members:
- The fastest way to renew is online: mydss.ct.gov
- Call DSS: 855-626-6632 to complete your renewal over the phone or find an in-person location near you.
- Return your updated pre-filled renewal form and mail it to: DSS ConneCT Scanning Center, P.O. Box 1320, Manchester, CT 06045-9968
If you no longer qualify for HUSKY Health, you can shop for health coverage through Connecticut’s Health Insurance Marketplace: Access Health CT. Additional full coverage options for some CT households are available at little or no cost. Contact Access Health to find out what you may qualify for:
Online at: Access Health CT
Over the phone at: 1-855-805-4325
- Update us so we can update you! Make sure your address and phone number are up to date! Visit Update Us (ct.gov) to update your information.
- Wait for a notice telling you when it’s time to take further action
- There is no need to contact us until you receive your notice
- Update us so we can update you! Make sure your address and phone number are up to date! Update your information by visiting Update Us (ct.gov)
- Be on the lookout for mail from the Connecticut Department of Social Services
- Follow DSS on social media for updates on Facebook and Twitter.
- The last monthly emergency benefit, normally sent in the middle of the month was issued in February 2023.
- Visit www.ct.gov/snap/extracovidbenefits for frequently asked questions
- Your normal monthly SNAP benefits will continue.Visit mydss.ct.gov to check your regular benefit amount
- Visit Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - SNAP--SNAP PHE Flexibilities (ct.gov) for more information.
- Periodic Report Forms (halfway through your renewal cycle) will resume for most households. These can be completed via mail or online at mydss.ct.gov
- Expanded exemptions for college students will end for new applications beginning June 9, 2023.
- When the Federal PHE ends, a college student will be required to be participating in work study, or have another exemption allowed under normal policy to be eligible for SNAP
- A college student’s Expected Family Contribution (EFC) will no longer be allowed as an exemption
- If you are currently getting SNAP benefits and using these exemptions, they will no longer apply at your next renewal which will be at least 30 days after the federal PHE ends.
You will receive notification from DSS if your benefits will be affected
- We will call you for a phone interview, if required. If you miss your phone call, we will send you a Notice of Missed Interview in the mail
- You will receive your Periodic Report Form (PRF) in the mail when it is due. If you have signed up for paperless notices, you will receive an email to log in to your MyAccount to complete your PRF. PRFs can be completed via mail or online at mydss.ct.gov
- We will advise you during the application or renewal process if you no longer qualify for one of the exemptions for college students
- Update us so we can update you! Make sure your address and phone number are up to date! Visit DSS online at ct.gov/UpdateUsDSS
- Wait for a notice telling you when it’s time to take further action
- There is no need to contact us until you receive your notice
Call EHC!’s SNAP Call Center toll-free at 866-974-SNAP (7627) or visit www.ctsnap.org for more information. Also learn about SNAP-doubling at farmers’ markets, school breakfast and supper programs, CT’s free summer meals program for children, and more at www.endhungerct.org.
AffordableCT for more programs available to Connecticut residents.
There are two different time limits that are important when someone is receiving TFA in Connecticut:
- The first is a 21-month time limit. We call this the "Jobs First" time limit. Generally, in the State of Connecticut, you are allowed to receive up to 21 months of cash assistance with the possibility of two 6-month extensions, unless you qualify for an exemption from the time limit. This is the time limit that was suspended due to the COVID-19 PHE and has resumed effective June 1, 2023.
- The other time limit is a 60-month time limit. Families can only receive up to 60 months of TFA time- limited cash benefits with very few exceptions. The 60-month time limit may include assistance that you and any other adult received in another state before you received benefits from Connecticut. This time limit was not suspended during the COVID-19 PHE. This means months in which you received assistance during the PHE have continued to count towards this limit.
- If your benefits were affected by this change, you received a notice in the mail.
- If the number of months you have received towards your “Jobs First” limit is less than 21, your TFA will remain active, and we will resume counting months towards the time limit effective June 1, 2023. When you are approaching the end of your time limit you will receive notification from the Department of Social Services (DSS).
- If the number of months you have received towards your “Jobs First” limit is 21 or greater, you have reached or exceeded your time limit and your TFA will close effective May 31, 2023. You have the option to apply for an extension of time limited TFA benefits. An extension packet was sent to you. To determine if you qualify for another extension, you must complete and return the packet at any time.
If you are not currently compliant with these requirements, a JFES case manager will be reaching out to provide their contact information and an opportunity to get back into compliance. Your JFES case manager is here to help you. You may contact your assigned case manager at any time to discuss your compliance status, resolve any compliance issues, or ask any questions about the JFES program. Failure to resolve compliance issues could result in a penalty being applied to your cash benefits.
- Update us so we can update you! Make sure your address and phone number are up to date! Visit DSS online at mydss.ct.gov and Access Health CT online at www.accesshealthct.com
- Wait for a notice telling you when it’s time to take further action
- There is no need to contact us until you receive your notice
Commissioner's Message
Medicaid Enrollment
Temporary Family Assistance
What Can I Do?
The most important thing for you to do is report any changes to your information so we can contact you.
Make sure you don’t miss any important information about your benefits by updating the information on file with the Department of Social Services (DSS). This includes your address and any life changes like a change in income, a move, or a divorce.
Find even more resources and support programs in Connecticut.
The information on these pages is only for services supported by DSS. If you have questions about benefits, contact those agencies or programs directly.