Press Releases

Governor Ned Lamont


Governor Lamont Statement on Today’s Service for Lieutenant DeMonte and Sergeant Hamzy of the Bristol Police Department

(HARTFORD, CT) – Governor Ned Lamont released the following statement regarding today’s funeral service for Lieutenant Dustin DeMonte and Sergeant Alex Hamzy of the Bristol Police Department:

“I want to express my gratitude to the thousands of law enforcement officers representing police departments from across the United States who traveled long distances today to visit Connecticut in tribute to two of our state’s bravest. Additionally, I want to thank the many police departments from Connecticut who joined in unison to provide Lieutenant DeMonte and Sergeant Hamzy with a fitting tribute. I especially want to thank the Connecticut State Police and the Capital Region Development Authority for their assistance helping the Bristol Police Department and both families with coordinating the logistics of today’s service.

“It was an honor for me to attend this touching ceremony today and listen to the beautiful tributes to these two officers. Lieutenant DeMonte and Sergeant Hamzy are heroes and served with integrity and courage. We will forever keep them and their families in our hearts. My prayers are with their families, their friends, and the members of the Bristol Police Department.”

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